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Hi folks I thought I had best do the right thing and pop in to say G'Day!

I am a cichlid breeder from the lower south coast of NSW, who has recently dedicated a couple of my smaller tanks to Endlers and Cherry Shrimps thanks mainly to the generousity of a friend.

I have been associated with the aquatic scene for some 35 odd years and during this time have kept all manner of fish and aquatic critters, from the Brusers from CA/SA through to Frontosa and Appistogramma.

My favorite saying is that you are never too old to learn, and therefore I enjoy both sharing my experience with new comers to the scene, as well as to gain information from those who keep and breed other forms of fish etc.

Looking forward to seeing what I can learn here and hope to be able to share my knowledge with anyone who may need assistance.

Cheers :)

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