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Red Cherry Shrimp


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Looks like I'll be getting a few more Red Cherry Shrimp soon - counted 7 large females with eggs. The small ones aren't shy when it comes to pouncing on a squashed snail either! And don't they move fast! I guess the small ones have to be quick to avoid being eaten by something!

I've just noticed about 7 or 8 babies running around in the moss - none of them were in the bag when I bought them so they must be hatchlings. They are about 5mm long but I was wondering if anyone knows how long they take to get to adult size - about 2.5cm?

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hi there,

i have heaps of those cherry shrimp thriving in an aquarium set up for them. I think they mature around the two months mark as i remembered when my betta fry were two months old, the cherry shrimp babies (that were of a similar age) were already reproducing...

hope this helps :D

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That's pretty fast then Paul. Thanks for letting me know. At least now I know I have a couple of months to get bigger premises worked out for the next batch! The current tank is only about 10 litres but if all eggs hatch there will be swarms of them!

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  • 5 months later...

WAYNE!!!!! Do you still have these? Have they multiplied like rabbits?! Will you sell me some????? lol...see my wanted to buy thread here

Hope to hear from you soon. PS did you get my PM about the white worms? You seem to be my go-to man for all things fishy I want at the moment hehe

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Hey Cassi,

Strike 2.... (3 and you're out!)

Yes I have Red Cherry Shrimps but.... have not got a lot at the moment - been growing them in a very small tank and the occaisonal fish has picked off the little ones.... going to release them into my moss tank and let them go crazy I think.

I'm not much of a go to person for fish at the moment.... sorry.... will let you know when I get them to breed up (hopefully I have females left)

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That's ok Wayne, Should have included in my PM that I managed to find someone who has an abundance of them. I'll be going up to her place at the end of next week to pick them up. We're going to trade, cultures and fry for Shrimp and plants! Turned out awesome.

I've got 1 female with eggs at the moment, only about 10 eggs though. I'm surprised she hasn't dropped them all and abandoned them as of yet, with all the WC's I've been doing, after the nasty algae pellet incident, and the fact that they travelled from their home to the auctions, were sold to me, spent almost 24+ hours in their bag and then got dumped into a tank with just untreated tap water! I did lose some because of the algae pellet, but none when they were bagged!

I really do need to get some water conditioner lol. I haven't used it in almost a year, but I have been using IAL, most of the time, so it's kind of the same thing. Running out of IAL now though.

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Sounds like a good trade happening there Cassi...

Make sure you get conditioner before you get the shrimp - they don't like ammonia / chlorines that much.... and IAL doesn't remove the nasties as fast...

Re the algae pellet - make sure you only buy the top quality ones - I bought a batch of cheap algae discs and have only been able to feed them to mystery snails - no fish will touch them and they just go mouldy in the tank... the good ones always get eaten by shrimp and the fish....

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