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Hi from newcastle


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My name is connor if you couldn't tell. I live in Newcastle and have kept and successfully breed all kinds of FW fish for 2yrs, but know i have grow tired of it and i would like to get into shrimp and planted tanks, i already have a planted/shrimp tank going it consist of plants i have forgotten the names of, RCS and 80 or so baby BN's. I'm thinking of doing a 3ft planted shrimp tank but i lack the knowledge or direction to go through with it.

So thought i would say hello to my new fellow hobbyist

thanks, Connor

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G'day Connor,

I've just started playing with Cherry Red Shrimps in a small tank to see how I go... so far they're looking like they like the tank... don't have a lot of knowledge about them to share with you just learning through doing so far...

Welcome to AAQ .. you'll find some others on here who really know their plants and shrimp to help you out though I'm sure.

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Hey connor,

i sourced some CRS, they should arrive next tuesday so i can start breeding them!

good luck with your cubes and 3ft tank.

Cool, where? who? how much?

should have everything for the cubes within the next 2-3weeks will start a TJ

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