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My New CallaLilli Bettas!


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Here's a little video. Easier than trying to take photos of them in IAL water!


The little boy has a nice bubble nest going this morning and his sisters are barring up. I think I might give them a go in the spawn tank but not all that sure if they're big enough yet :rofl:

They seem to have eaten all the grindals I gave them last night too as well as the protein pellets. Fergus (aka Amanda) brought them up for me. she had them shipped to her place about a month ago and has looked after them brilliantly for me. Fed them up nicely on all manner of foods to they are already conditioned.

I'll start a spawn log if I decide to put them in the spawn tank

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Ok, I'm 98% sure....no..make that 100% sure that one of the 'girls' has snuck under the wire and was a closet boy! hahaha Check "Shim" out...what do you think in this video?


"It" even had a bubblenest for me when I got home last night and is giving his sister a lot of flaring attention. I've seen females behave like this before but never with an extended anal fin and beard like he has, not to mention lovely ventrals (which you can't see all that well in the video) lol. So instead of 2 females and a male I ended up with 2 males and 1 female! lucky me hehehe

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