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Got camera happy on the weekend


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Got the camera out on the weekend and still can't take photos to save myself but got a few shots of some of my bristlenoses....

Albino longfin.... wish I could get them to clean the outside of the glass and the photos wouldn't look so bad!


Peppermint bristlenose... they look so much better in torchlight - you can really see the peppermint green colour of their spots and fin edges.


Calico shortfin.... lovely colours and hopefully will get some longfins some day


Plenty of little commons all lined up.... I want to get some longfin commons too at some stage.


Somehow I forgot to take a pic of the albino shortfins but there are a heap of them in the same tank as the babies above.

If anyone knows where I can get other types of BN let me know.

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Here's one of one of the albino longfins front on - not a good shot but you can see the size of the tail and the pectoral fins at least...


This is the male calico... just starting to get his bristles and taking a keen interest in a hollow log... fingers crossed the girl likes him and they make babies!


Keep an eye out for them Dean and make sure they're the real calicos and not just a cross of albino and commons.. the real calicos are orange with black/brown blotches like this one.

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Wow, that calico is very nice!!!!

I have two longfin abns atm. Still small, bristles just appearing. HOPING there is one of each. Love them, but god they cost a bit!

I also have a pair of peppermints. Never knew they had a green tinge to them, when i get home from work tonight i will shine a torch at them and see what they look like. If they let me shine anyhow lol

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Will keep the fingers crossed you get a pair out of the Albino Longfins Nina. I'm guessing you paid a hell of a lot more than I did for yours - I have a great LFS who sells at good prices and isn't out to make a fortune out of a single sale.

When I check the peppermints I usually do it after lights out in the tank - thats when they tend to come out to play and then I spring a torch on their tails (I try not to get their eyes) to see the green glow!

I'm trying to track down some orange spots at the moment but the cheapest I've found locally is $15 each but I know they can be had for a lot less - just have to be patient.

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got three from the fish fair, $25 the three!

Wish id gotten more trios, but i wasnt into catfish then. Regrets regrets. owell. And one died, eh **** happens.

Fingers crossed

What are the orange spots like? are they sort of like peppermints, black with orange? or more like the marble???

must google :rofl:

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Gee $25 for 3 longfin albinos is a very good price! I paid $15 each for mine! I got 6 of them but one stupid fish went down the riser tube of the sponge filter and then got his pectoral spines caught in the inside of the filter and died in there - made the tank go pretty stinky very quickly.

Orange Spots are a bit like the peppermints - dark body with orange dots all over them.

Did you get your peppermints to glow green in the dark?

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  • 1 month later...

You and your photo taking!!! After seeing your pics I saw a few calico bristlenose for sale today in my LFS (very rare event that theyd even have any!) and just had to get one!!! He'd now floating in his bag in a QT tank.... I think I'm in love even though she/he's only a baby.

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Oh so it's blame me that you just had to have that cute little calico bristlenose is it!!!! LOL!!!

They really are a nice colour aren't they- much nicer than just the plain common or albinos are. I'm still on the lookout for longfin calicos.

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