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Hi from Tasmania


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Hi everyone

I come from Hobart Tasmania, and have been looking around your forum for a few days now, and love it! I have learnt so much and it's great to see people who take their fish keeping so seriously.

I am the co-founder of Hobart Cichlid Society, the only functioning fish club in Tassie, plus we also have a forum for fish keepers all over Tassie and beyond!

I have been keeping fish for all my life, but seriously for about 10 years now.

I am running 4 large tanks (all over 300ltrs) with my cichlid and cat fish collection.

I have now become quite interested in betta's (OK, I have fallen head over heels in love) as finally we are getting something other than VT's in the state. I currently own a CT betta who I adore, but of course I have not been able to find a nice CT girlfriend for him. ;)

Anyway, looking forward to expanding my knowledge of these amazing fish and getting to know you guys.

Cheers Will

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You caught the betta bug! :cheer:

That I did! LOL!

Lyarlla, it's actually looking promising with getting some good quality bettas into the state! Fingers Crossed!

And most types of cichlids are allowed here as it is waaay to cold for them to suvive and thrive in our waterways.

Hoping I can bring some betta's home with me when I go to QLD next year! :dance:

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It's not that they aren't allowed here, we just cant ship fish in here to our door like you guys do.

They have to go to a LFS, and our LFS here are very limited in which suppliers they can buy from.

For instance, I thinks it's "BayFish", that has a complex in both Melbourne and QLD?? Anyway, our LFS can only buy fish from the Melbourne supplier.

Strange! Anyway, it's all the clean green thing....and protecting the Trout Fishing industry (non native fish) which is all our IFS seems to care about! <_<

But I have applied to Quarantine to get the paperwork and hopefully get permission to bring some bettas back with me from QLD as my own fish. I am hoping and praying.....

I had a mate that moved here from Sydney and was allowed to bring all his Tanganyikan cichlids with him, so unless they have changed to laws, I might be in luck.

Just a LOT of paper work and red tape, but I still have plenty of time!

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