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Links and Tags


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If you look at my "Got tanks?" thread, you will see there is a link posted to a Youtube vid. The thing is, unless I pointed out in that thread that there was a link, no-one would know. Why is it that links are no longer coloured/highlit/underlined?

And while I'm here, can we have Youtube tags enabled, please? It should be part of the basic IPB structure, as other IPB forums have this function. Would save having to post the link, then...

If you are wondering what Youtube tags look like, or how to use them, they would be keyed thus...

[ youtube ] 9jNTMAf8KTI [ / youtube ] (obviously w.out all the spaces)

...and appear as a Youtube screen in the Post.

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The lack of underlining is a known issue and is a class issue. I can give you underlining, but it underlines EVERY LINK, including buttons and forum names, the lot. Yes it is a problem, and yes we are aware of it, but right now I can't fix it quickly. If it is a huge problem, switch your theme to "AusAqua2.2.0" for the time being. I understand the frustration, it annoys me too, but I can't take care of it just yet.

The youtube issue puzzles me as I thought we had it as a button AND enabled, but never mind, I'll look into it. It could have been flipped off recently due to the spm issue. I believe it is included in the last full upgrade anyway, so it is going to happen shortly.

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Insert You Tube is in ADD REPLY but not FAST REPLY. In FAST REPLY you can use the "More Options" button. Unless it's ony enabled for admin, as to which I must defer to the technically adept .

BTW if you want your link to show up underlined, you can underline it using the underline button.

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I am experimenting with EVERY LINK being underlined, which Callatya pointed out would happen if the settings were changed.

What are people's thoughts? Better to have all links underlined so you can see the links in threads, or does it make the forum look heavy and ugly and you preferred it how it was?

No point in it looking pretty if it doesn't have the functionality you all need, but if you think it's ugly as sin and can't bear to look at it, I don't want that either!

Either way, interested in your feedback.

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Hi Lyralla, I tried teal but it changed every single link to teal (eg member names, who's online, the names above avatars, links people's signatures, "view new posts" etc etc etc) and looked quite bloody awful. Maybe I can experiment with a different shade of grey and see how that looks.

Thanks Wayne and Mike. My concern is if you view the front page or "view new posts", where just about everything is now underlined. Is it too clunky?

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