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my new setup


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hi all so I'm going share with you a few pics of my new "fish room", previously only containing a couple of tanks i think it deserves to be called a true fish room now.

pics aren't the best but I'm sure you will get the idea


front view of the tanks (the yabbies from my previous post are in the bottom left corner)


view from the kitchen, you can see my main 4ft planted tank, my 2ft marine tank behind and my new stand of 9 3ft tanks)


the rear of the stand


more from behind


and lastly lisa's angels thriving and doing well

it was set up last weekend, not yet finished still needs lighting and each tank to have some fish and gravel etc. there is a goldfish or two in each tank just to test it out. just put heaters in each tank today

hope you guys like it, let me know what you think

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hey, i started with one 20L tank. Then got the 7-fish barracks. Then a 2.5ft. Then two more 20L tanks. Then......

Only 18mths later, i have a fish room! lmfao! Gotta love the addict. (hey at least its not drugs or alcohol! keep telling family and friends that. and strangers lol)

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