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My new boy


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Hi all, please welcome the newest addition to the household, Fishyfishy... named by Tyler (my son, just turned 3).

I picked this guy up on Saturday (thanks Robert), and now have him settled in the stables. He didn't flare much at Robert's so wasn't sure how close to HM he would get, but I've had to card him now as he has a taste for it... and poor old Mango isn't as young as he used to be :D

Hopefully with a bit of exercise he'll make HM.



Not too sure how to classify his colours, but I like them :)

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I really like his colouring! I wonder if his body will darken in time. I have an orange boy (just like Mango) who started off a pale creamy colour but is now more like a burnt orange. I'm sure Mango and Fishyfishy could both benefit from short bouts of flaring :)

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Calla I don't think he's come from a doubletail spawn, but I've checked with Robert (he showed me quite a few males and I can't quite recall all the lineages, I could quite possibly be confused lol)

:) Let's keep that a secret Neffy, my son would be most disappointed :D

I think the name's kinda cute too ;)

Assuming the colouring stays the same, what would be the best way to describe him?

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Good to hear your family like fish you selected. Here is the genetics you pm'd me for. My spawn logs on the forum seem to have some gaps, with experience I'm sure I will reach the stage of having everything needed.

Grand Parents; Multi Colour Giant Geno Male, ex Thialand and a Royal Blue Double Tail female (Best Female prize winner at 2007 Queensland Betta show).

Parents; (extract from spawn log) (Feb 20 2009, 02:20 AM ) Two mostly white bodied fish from the parentage above, large bubble nest, looked like hundreds of eggs outside of the cup in amongst the duckweed. By the time I removed the male I was concerned of where all the fry were, I had seen alot of fry on the bottom of the tank the night before.

Result is 7 fry around 1cm presently. See I didn't make notes of the date. (extracted from spawn log)

This is the spawn he came from, Photo 6th March 2009.

As they have matured the result has been 5 females, 1 male plakat plus the male you selected.


This will be the male parent


As we can see the grand mother was double tail, so a double tail female from one of the younger spawns will make a nice match. ( If you like double tails) a single tail from the same genetics will still produce double tail like the two black double tail males that are due to be jarred from tank 10.

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