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Hello from the Top End


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Have been keeping bettas for many years but only recently decided to start breeding them so any and all tips or suggestions would be most welcome. Have also been breeding Blue Acaras (by accident) for two years and am now up to the third generation. The results are all farmed out to friends. Any hints on building/sourcing barracks would be appreciated. Cheers and thanks for such a great site. mitch

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Thanks for the welcome, and the tour of the barracks, I can only dream. Currently running a few tanks - a 650L community tank with three breeding pairs of blue acaras with a few natives and angels tho not a lot else survives, including my arms when i clean the tank. The other tanks mainly house guppies, snails and my two fighters. As I'm new to the terminology i think they are veil tails - one is a dark blue/black that i inherited while the other is not quite albino, more pinkish with small red flecks in the tails which was bought from a local petshop for $8.

And yes youre right, the climate is perfect as none of my tanks are heated, tho it did drop down to a chilly 22 this morning

Have been surfing thru the site since I logged on, its brilliant for info and tips. Thanks guys. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aarrggggghhhhhh. Arrived home from spending the arvo on the beach only to discover that i'm down all six clown loaches from the community tank. Am blaming either the large male blue acara or the black tailed silver shark. They used to line up in a row at the front of the tank and watch TV with me as the tank is in the loungeroom. If you know of anyone up this way who wants a cantankerous shark, let me know

And photos are coming, camera just playing up at the moment. On a lighter note, scored three new bettas (two males and a female) with barracks and food. Apparently the neighbours kids lost interest and the neighbours saw my tank lights on downstairs and wondered ... didnt have to ask twice.

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I think darwinians follow the philosophies of charles darwin while darwinites live in this beaut city, either way, doesnt really matter and besides a benefit of living here is not having to use heaters even for our outside tanks. Tho one draw back is the limited type and variety of fish we get up here eg I've been trying for months to purchase/swap a breeding pair of bristle nose without success.

Love the sane fish website photos of your tank.

Cheers mitch

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Hey Mitch have you considered livefish.com.au? You can get fish delivered to you (or AAE's Darwin depot, it looks like). Also Fishchick Aquatics will ship to most places, if you're interested in anything Jodi-Lea (fishchick) has in stock.

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  • 1 month later...

ahh bugger. tried to load pics of the fish and the tanks, thought i followed your destructions carefully too. just aint that computer savvy. well my first male is four inches from nose to tail, pinkish with red flecks. The other two are just your standard dark blue vt's tho smaller. will keep trying til i get the hang of it.

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