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:scared: i was trying to take photos of Clarence flaring side on but he took more interest in the camera than the mirror LOL I did get a couple of good ones though, so please have a look and tell me what you think. I don't want him critiqued as per IBC standards but what he has and what he's lacking in a general way would be good. Now, just to confirm my thoughts... he's a Black Orchid yes? If i only i could find a little black orchid girl they'd make such beautiful babies LOL



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Yes, he's a beautiful black orchid. He has a tiny bit of red wash limited to the ventrals. He has a lovely topline. He has the odd short/bent ray at the end of some fins, but he's a pretty nice example of a CT all things considered.

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There is red in his anal fin Razzi. I just had a look at the IBC handbook and it's listed as a fault in his colour. So that is the red wash that gets talked about? I guess if i were to breed him i'd want to breed away from the red wash? Hypothetically speaking. I am trying to wrap my head round all the genetics stuff, it's very interesting reading.

You can see the red better in this shot because of the flash.


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Just saw this. He's pretty! I've found that a lot of LFS have been stocking CT lately - where is the flood coming from I wonder? There must be a lot of people breeding CT at the moment and dumping them on the pet shops? I also got a couple of CT lately from the LFS and they had about 30 of them all lined up in jars - but no regular VT like you normally see!

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The red in the anal fin is closer to a butterfly pattern than red wash. On the dorsal, I'd call that red wash. On the caudal I'm not sure... it's interesting how the rays are red but the webbing is blue. I think be more inclined to head towards trying to develop a red and blue butterfly pattern. I think it's there in the dorsal but overlaid by the blue. If you could find something with a red butterfly pattern that would be the way to go.

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