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Picasso - the marble CT


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Well, we just thought his marble pattern was so cute and well defined.

And I like seeing pink in a fish. :lol:

I couldn't help scooping him up for $12.


We couldn't get him to flare for a photo but we have been using him to 'fire up' Louis in the breeding tank. And he sure flares then! So feisty.

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He does look pretty impressive all stretched out, even though he has some ray curling etc. His other side has a bolder 'blue and pink stripes' section near his pectorals.

From the top, he looks like someone has just dribbled paint on him! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Of course... let me just get him out to show you... oh wait, where is he?

Ninjas came in the night and replaced him with another fish!!!!??

Haha but I jest. He has changed a bit; his head black has pushed back towards his dorsal further.

I would love to breed him for his cool markings, but he has gimpy ventrals (thin and usually immobile). I need to do more research first to find out if his gimpy ventrals are a genetic thing or a nurture thing... Maybe gimpy ventrals are one stop short of the 'missing ventrals' phenomenon?

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Thanks Mitch. :D

Picasso cracks me and my bigger half up every 'exercise' time.

He goes crazy when he sees another betta and puts on a crazy, super agro display.... But show him a mirror and he bolts, terrified, and hides in a corner until the 'big scary betta' goes away... LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

phil that sux. Im shocking, if the fighters are in individual containers i carry them around with me lmfao sometimes its difficult to juggle more than two or three lol.

He is such a cool fish.

Do you plan to find him a sexy girl? He would make stunning babies :)

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