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Will be away this weekend, fish wont get fed


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do you have snails to eat any uneaten food? If not, then feeding a gigantic whack of anything that may die/decay in the tank uneaten is not a good idea.

Do you have vinegar eels? They will live in the water for ages and the fry can hunt and snack on them over several days IF you can add enough. My fry would be too big for VE at 3 weeks but if yours are small, it's an option.

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Can you drop by Goodna way? I can give you a goodly amount of moina. They won't die in the tank, and give good hunting and chasing value.

Edit: Just checked the moina, they may be too small as their mostly babies (gave away a few cultures already this week, sorry) but I do have a jar of vinegar eels you can have too, and the moina mature quickly in warm water.

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