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Little holes in head


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It takes a lot of patience to get good photos. That's why I'm no good at it and leave it up to Mr P. :dance: I do all the waterchanges and feeding and stressing out about diseases. He gets to sit back and watch, and tells me to hurry up with the waterchanges so I can get another fish into the photo tank. Oh, and the camera is a Konica Minolta DiMAGE z20.

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There is such a thing as Hole In The Head disease. Normally large fish and gouramis get it, so I would think Bettas are susceptable. Not saying thats what this is though, just thats the only 'disease' or non natural thing I can think of that is similar. Hexamita (hole in the head) is usually caused by parasitic infection and can show up as a whitish pit or whitish pimple All the 'pits' look too uniform in placement and appearance to be something like that though. Maybe they are sensory glands of some description? Great photo!! Absolutely incredible!! ;)

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i have read that those holes are caused by some kind of parasite ;) i think a kind of mite. any way, they arnt something for you to be happy about.... very nice clear photos, i must say! i was taking some closeup photos of my fry last night, and i thought they were really cool. but they are nothing compared to this one ;) although my photos seem to be getting right up close, even showing the chromatophores of the fish's head....is that what the pigment cells are called?

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i am not sure about them being similar to the lateral line. i think they must be some kind of olfactory sensory organs, to detect odor and pheromones excreted by other bettas....how do you think a betta pair signal to eachother to mate? a pair that recieves chemical messages through the water during conditioning will spawn better than a pair where the female is in a bottle with no holes through which water can travel, thus no exchange of pheromones.... just a thought ;) ;)

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I think they can be just a natural trait because some of mine have the tiniest of pores in the nose area (not counting the nostrils). Although one morning when I turned on the aquarium light I noticed a small white worm no bigger then a MW slithered into one of the holes. I gave all the fish in that tank worming treatment. The good news is that I have never seen the worm again, although that fish still has the tiny pores in it's head.

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