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Some photos of tanks past and present *56K warning*

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I thought I would share photos of 3 of my 7 tanks, past and present. I am in the process of overhauling my fishies and tanks over the next week! V. exciting!! I will update my photos after I have moved tanks around and all fish are settled!


Little 30L tank

@ time of photo it housed: 5 sparkling gouramis, 1 female imbellis, 1 kuhli loach. (in the small floating tank was 1 week old sparkling gourami fry)

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80L Octagonal tank

@ time of photo it housed: 20 Neon tetras, Guppies, snails.

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200L feature tank

@ time of photo (Dec 04/early 05) it house, a pair of Kribensis, school of Neon tetras, Guppies, 1 apistogramma cacatuoides, 2 BN's, snails and 3 hybrid wild bettas.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Ciara :love:

I have some pics, but they are horrid! I will post them soom. I have my wild pairs in the tanks with eachother, conditioning them up. I should take some more recent photos, but I take horrid close ups :oops:

Here is a 2ft I didn't post up! It has a pair of kribs in it now, and a betta enisae (my female krib wants my enisae :cheer:) The kribs are going to be re-homed soon.. I have plans for more tanks :wub: shhh.. Mr fae has no idea of my hidden agenda :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I would update some my pics ;)

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This is my 4ft tank, currently holding a pair of kribs and a female BN

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The fish room ;)

I am still rearranging and working on things, hopefully soon we will have a 6>8ft wooden stand across the whole wall so it is more appealing (that is what Marks says) and I can fit more 2ft tanks in the room, about 3-4 more tanks :D;)

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The stand, holds the smallish tanks and spawn tubs and the 2ft.

Most are still going through an overhaul, but it takes time ;)

will post more later ;)

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Thanks guys for the great comments ;)!!!! I don't use plant fertilisers, I want to though, and I want a CO2 unit aswell!! Plants just grow for me, plus I avoid the plants that are a PITA and touchy. My tanks always get a good amount of sunlight aswell as from the hood. I have peat in the filters and I also poke some peat granules around the plants, it seems to be of some benefit. I add black water extract to the tanks aswell, that is nutrients and goodies too. The BN stops any algae forming in the tank ;) I think peat and BW extract helps alot ;) I am going to make a CO2 system up using a coke bottle soon, I started it back in feb, but it was abandon whem my patience died ;)

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definitely try the DIY Co2, the plants will virtually grow as you watch them. I used to have to cut off and throw/give away 1' of stem plants every week when i was using it. Just give it a try to see what happens, it is so cool when they grow well! As long as you have enough light and limit it to 10 - 12 hours a day, I bet they go ballistic.

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I printed out an article on CO2 this morning, turned out to be 25 pages long!! :thumbs: Here is the link, I am off to buy a bottle of fizzy in the morning, so I can use this as the bottles. I am having nightmares of spillages and so forth. I have come to the conclusion of trying a wooden airtsone for dispersing the CO2 in the tank though. Those bubbles are so tiny. I just hope I don't have a major pH crash also!! Might start a CO2 thread, might provide to be very useful!

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I would personally advise against an airstone, as they can clog up, then you get exploding-bottle-stinky-beer-wall-patterns etc. I find it is good to just use airline tubing, but put the end somewhere that the bubbles get chopped up, eg if they can get sucked into a canister filter and then pumped out the other end as tiny bubbles. definitely use a backflow check valve, and keep the bottles warm enough. I used to keep tem in a bucket of water with a heater in it in winter. Go the DIY!

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Thanks for the tip Lilli. Our house is heated 18 hours a day so no probs with the heat part. I can poke it near the intake valve of the cannister filter, swoosha! Back flow valve? thats one of those little valves I have on all my tubes to stop water going inside the airpumps? Their is not much resistence on there, providing you face it the right way :(

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hmm, yeah I have found that. wonder if any of them actually work? I use them on a siphon if I have to waterchange v little fry, to get a drippy water flow rate. they all do it, all the ones I have tried!

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