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Da boys

Bren MacFish

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The shot glasses are $2.50 for six down at any junk shop. They have half a JBL clay fert ball stuck in the bottom. Very easy to whip them out and wipe down the tank, and trim the plants. You notice I haven't managed to capture any of them in a proper flare... d'oh. Photography skills leave a lot to be desired. :)

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It makes it so much easier to keep clean. There's two box filters to keep the good bacteria going. Yes, Mishy, the fish you brought down from someone were in excellent condition and didn't mind the switch to freeze dried food. The red DTCT girl is still full of eggs. She is meant to be the red bf's partner but he is looking the shabbiest at the moment, so I just bought some live food to perk them all up a bit. I guess if he's not ready for the breeding tank then I can substitute one of the other males? Hmmm... I wonder how that would work out?

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Oh but this is the old barracks... you should see where the girls live.  They have Teenie's old 4ft Hilton kitted out with driftwood and java moss with its own sump.

Girls need a bit of luxury.  :lol:


I agree with you about girls needing a bit of luxury, Bren! When do we get to see where Da Girls hangout??


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RB, the fish shop bf is the one I wanted to put with the red DTCT. They both have the black stripe thing happening. He was all gorgeous and indigo-striped and lavender reflecting a couple of weeks ago and then he blew a gill frisking around in front of the banger sisters (two mad red girls) who were next to him so I put them somewhere else so he could have some quiet to let his gillcover mend and he went a bit drab. The lavender red has a huge bubblenest although he's quite placid about defending it. The others have all made smaller nests and are very interested in fighting to defend them. Thanks, Steve, you'd know. Da Girls? Hmmmm... will have to get the camera out again. The girls are in the middle of my office which is darker and they dart away when they see the preflash... so I've already deleted lots of photos of apparently empty tank sections.

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Guess who got his mojo back? So they're both looking enormously fat and bright and gorgeous. Ms red dtct has been in the spawning tank checking out all the hidey holes for a couple of days, so she has gone into the bottle and Kulap has gone into the spawning tank. He checked her out... she barred up with great yellow bars (on a brown-bodied fish!) straight off... and he obviously approved so he raced off to the corner and started building a bubblenest. I knew reading them the text books would pay off. Actually, all the fish got their mojos. Kulap's black stripes went indigo and his body turned lavender. The purple marble butterfly has grown purple stripes, even the red cambodian girl has grown some red spots on her body. Those blackworms are great.

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What? More bettas to look after? Maybe I haven't thought this thru. My local pet shop might want the surplus fry tho... I got Kulap in very lucky circumstances: the owner's flatmate was minding the store on the day the new bettas arrived. The owner wanted to display Kulap for a week or two and then give him to her friend... but I snuck in and caught the poor flatmate unaware of the owner's plans. She told me how I destroyed her plans later tho and that she hasn't been able to get one like him since... mwahahahah!

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These photos of the boy's tank just won me a $20 gift voucher over at the Boronia forum. I know they're not the best photos, but the contest guidelines seemed to indicate they were looking for something interesting and wanted lots of explanations about what was going on so I did that. I got second out of some very posh looking tanks and good-looking tropical fish.

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