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Ive just bought 3 angelfish from the pet store.. from what I gather ones panda, ones a wild silver n one is some kind of stripy kind haha.. sooo perty :rofl:

BUT anyways, ive had them for about 2 weeks now,

and suddenly over the last 2 days has the two others been harassing the silver.

Not to the point where *its* getting hurt or getting fins nipped, but everytime they see it they swim after it n give it a quick nip.


Ive have 3 corydoras, which have been fine and happy living with 3 bristlenosed catfish, until I bought the angelfish (Im guessing) and now only continues to hide in driftwood.

They were happy enough to randomly start spawning about a week ago, (due to not being prepared for it- i lost the eggs) but yeah..

Do you think its because of the angelfish?

They've lived with a male fight before, as well as a group of girls?

and the angelfish dont seem to harass them or take notice of them at all?

Thank You


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Angels aren't really angels sometimes... they are cichlids afterall ... If two of the angels are a pairing up - everything else better get out of the tank or hide.

I wouldn't trust angels not to harass the corys and BN's either and don't trust them with any fish small enough to fit in their mouths. They will act all peaceful and serene ... but .... there is always a chance they will get up to mischief....

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hahaha the name definately leads you into believing they are.. but as you said, ive noticed they're quite mischievious!

Ive figured (after sitting here for ages just watching them- which is really quite interesting than thought) its mainly the striped one who is bullying the other two.. probably because of dominance? The panda is looking to be more peaceful now though every now and then chases the plain.

so im guessing its just their pecking order.

Are angels peaceful together? meaning when you said if two are pairing up- do they become aggressive towards other fish?

what would be the best solution to fix this?

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one solution is take out the angel that's aggressive and return him to the LFS. However then Mr 2IC will just move into his place.

how big is the tank they're all in?

Angels can act territorial and establish a pecking order, even if kept in a species tank. Pairs are aggressive towards other fish.

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thanks for that Fishbites & Lilli, i'll keep that in mind..

Their tank size is.. gosh.. *thinks* roughly around 80L if i remember correctly

I will keep an eye on them, but atm it doesnt seem like any are pairing up..

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