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Is It Safe To Feed Fish?


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I was just getting the kids lunches ready for tomorrow & I grabbed a bag of saltanas out of the pantry. Now they were only opened last week & were sealed with sticky tape, but to my yuckiness I found little larva in there. At first I freaked out (typical girl!). Then I thought that my betta might enjoy them. So I dug through the bag (GROSS!!) & found one for everyone (I can't believe I nearly sent my kids to kinder with them!). They really seemed to enjoy them. Was it safe for me to feed them this??? :giggle:

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Oh good. See normally I would've just freaked out & thrown them in the bin but then I remembered when I was cleaning out one of my tanks the other day, a little weavel moth landed on the water surface & before I could even grab a net to fish it out, my fella came up & devoured it in one big gulp.

I wonder if this counts towards conditioning them? lol

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LOL! I've just discovered this lovely food source myself!

I've been sick and my parents came to stay a week, to my shame the pantry moth caterpillars must have reached epic numbers and started migrating out of the cupboard and across the ceiling! Dad took great delight in collecting them and feeding them to my barb fish till they were fit to burst! He then tracked down the main source ( a packet of breadcrumbs that had fallen to the back of the bottom shelf) and placed it in an ice-cream container, and each day we have been collecting the ones that climb the sides. I had to start freezing them because there were too many for the fish, even after I started feeding the betta's too. Some have pupated into moths and laid more eggs, so now I have a new culture to keep in my live food collection!

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Ha, how funny! Normally i would've turfed the bag but i actually put it back in the hope they'll keep breeding. But with a big black texta i wrote on it "DO NOT EAT" just incase someone gets a bit peckish! I cant have anyone eating my fishes food now can i? Lol

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