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Getting Started With Breeding


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I've been thinking about starting some breeding, but I would think it's a good idea to do a 'test run' with some cheap bettas first, so I have some practice before I get a really nice, expensive pair..

I have a cheap VT male which I bought a few days ago, and the store also had some females. So my question is, would I be able to get rid of the babies, seeing as the parents are just cheap, pet store VT's? Where would I sell them? In here? To pet stores?

Any other advice to get me started would be appreciated too. I've of course read about breeding them both in here and in other forums, so I know the basics.

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Yes ur local fish shop would probably buy them.. if not off load them onto the neighbours kids or something lol. Best advice i can give you is make sure u have ur cultures for your baby brine shrimp or microworms, or what ever you will be using, running before you start breeding. That way you will be 100% certain that the fry will have food when they are free swimming.

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Hey Marianne :cheer:

On one hand, your VT practice plan is really a good idea. VTs are generally quite hardy in comparison to many more intensely bred types and more often than not they make lovely parents. You have identified the big problem though, in that not many people are going to want multicoloured VT babies. At best you can expect list price for them once they hit a saleable size, so you are looking at 3-4 months of work to get less than $2 each. Some people can manage to get more, but the general idea is that multi VT fry are very hard to move. Not saying it can't be done, but try and tee it up beforehand i you are relying on a shop to take them off your hands. :)

The thing is though, that raising a spawn is raising a spawn. For the effort you put in to hatching and heating and jarring etc, go for the better fish first time around. Maybe steer clear of HMs, but something like a vibrantly coloured Traditional Plakat might be worth considering. They aren't going to break the bank and you have a much higher chance of being able to shift them when you need to.

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price of PKs depends where you get them. You could post a WTB here, or contact Jodi Lea, splendidbetta and bettarazzi (for starters) to see if they have any PKs available and what they'd sell them for. I am sure there are people in Brissy breeding PKs at the moment too, it's just that none spring to mind (sorry, I can't keep track of all you prolific breeders out there!!).

Sometimes your LFS will have "female" bettas that are actually short finned males, if you know what to look for ;). There's an article on the aaq home page about sexing bettas.

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