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My new Killies


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Good to see they arrived happy and healthy.

Give em a little time and a few plants and you'll see the male turn a nice metallic green like my avatar.

As for why it is Fp, I assume it is to differentiate it from other killifish genus starting with F : Foerschichthys and Fundulosoma.

PS: if anyone is curious as to the "Akure" on the end it is a collection locality. Killies vary greatly from location to location in the same species and should be kept "true" where possible. Sometimes species are split so what was different locations of the same species become seperate species meaning you may end up with a hybrid :)


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Ahh, more F. killies. I was wondering about that :) They are still nosing around and the male is trying to look big and impressive as i think he can see a betta in the tank next door :D I'll be carding him so he can relax... as soon as i find my background :? I'll guess that killifish breeders are the same as wild cichlid and wild betta breeders, so i'll be a good girl and keep them nice and separate :) Although, it *may* mean i'll have to increase my little colony at some stage :D

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I'll guess that killifish breeders are the same as wild cichlid and wild betta breeders, so i'll be a good girl and keep them nice and separate :) Although, it *may* mean i'll have to increase my little colony at some stage :D


By the time you next generation is breeding there sould be a few more Akure around in sydney. I've already sent some and I've had interest from other sydney-siders. If not, I can always send you more. Easy and cheap to post as you found out :)

Ā  Might need to investigate further like can both sexes be kept together and do males have to be kept apart? What do they prefer to eat.?


Yep both sexes can be kept together, males can be kept together (generally). Some killies are picky eaters but these guys attack any food (flake and pellets included) like its their first meal in a year.

You're more than welcome to drop by one evening and check 'em out and have a chat.


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Can Killies be kept in a commy tank, without intent (on my behalf) to breed?


Some of the hardier type like gardneri would be OK as long as the temperature isn't too high. 24dg would probably be the limit. You would want some cover in the tanks as well, preferably some plants and/or java moss.


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I so want some - they are just gorgeous. I usally run my big community tank at around 26degrees - so may be too high??? the golden panchax I had was fine with that. Are there any other colorful looking killies that can tolerate 26 C? However I have a small spare 22l tank all set up and fish-less - would that be alright to set up for killies? If so you better count me in on your next shipment to Sydney. Lis

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I so want some - they are just gorgeous.Ā  I usally run my big community tank at around 26degrees - so may be too high??? the golden panchax I had was fine with that.Ā  Are there any other colorful looking killies that can tolerate 26 C?

However I have a small spare 22l tank all set up and fish-less - would that be alright to set up for killies?Ā  If so you better count me in on your next shipment to Sydney.



To be honest I don't know too much about panchax species, I keep mostly Fundulopanchax/Aphyosemion. The fish will survive fine at that temp but be running on fast forward, reducing their lifespan. Some species come from warmer water and might be OK. not sure which ones though :unsure:

EDIT: you got my curiosity going so I looked it up. The Aphy/Fp from coastal regions prefer warmer water (up to 26). Of these Fp. puerzli and Fp. scheeli are available in australia. Paramatta aquarium has some of both of these at the moment. I received some puerzli from them today :dance:


The 22L tanks sounds perfect for them. A couple of mops, even better a few plants, a sponge filter and you have Killie heaven. Fp. sjoestedti would be the only killie I'd be reluctant to put in a tank that size, they get quite a bit bigger than most. Two pairs of gardneri, australe or striatum would be great. :dance:


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Hey Peoples :(( Great to see so much enthusiasm over killifish. Hey Jess, I am flying over to Adelaide late October for a wedding; do you want prezzie? Who ever wants killifish should let Dean and myself know, if we can't help you we probably know somebody that lives next door to you. And if we get you species we do not have, you'll need to post us some eggs later :(

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Hey PeoplesĀ  :P

Great to see so much enthusiasm over killifish.

Hey Jess, I am flying over to Adelaide late October for a wedding; do you want prezzie?

Who ever wants killifish should let Dean and myself know, if we can't help you we probably know somebody that lives next door to you. And if we get you species we do not have, you'll need to post us some eggs later :P


Serkan, that would be fabbo :P Perhaps our channoides fry will be old enough to swap at the same time, great way to my part in BA's SMP :D

Dean is holding some Killis for me, not sure how old they are or when they would spawn, but might even have eggs for swaps at the same time.

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