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G'day All!

I've just joined today so here's my introduction. I have two male Siamese Fighting Fish, a red one and a purple one. Have only had them for a couple of weeks and joined to learn more about them and their care and feeding etc. Although they're getting pellets at the moment, I'm intending to feed as much natural food as possible. So far as mosquito wrigglers are concerned, I do have a problem there as I also have pet rabbits and mosquitoes are right at the top of my "hit list"! Otherwise, I'm happy to feed the fish anything that moves that they like.

OK, enough talk from me so I'll go back to lurk mode!


near Yass NSW

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Hello again :D

An alternative to Mozzies is live brine shrimp, black worms and daphnia. Failing that, you have frozen food options and freeze dried. Combination of some of them is just as good.

:) stop lurking missy!


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Thanks for the welcome, Lissa. Hubby and I first started keeping fish back in the late 60's (goldfish and tropical), then we kept just goldfish. We haven't had any fish since the mid-80s and this is our first foray into the fighting fish world.


near Yass NSW

Thanks for the food suggestions, Jess. I can only get pelleted food in the nearest big town and we don't go over to Canberra very often where I should be able to get some live and frozen food. However, my sister can get live and frozen food and we'll be meeting her early next month when she's bringing some of both for our fish. Can't wait to get them going on a more natural diet!


near Yass NSW

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And g'day to you, Lilli! My big concern with having mozzies/wrigglers around is the risk of myxo or calici virus to my pet bunnies. I'm vaguely contemplating breeding some wrigglers under controlled circumstances though ... and hubby does have a couple of drums of water down in his vegie garden which I'm checking for wrigglers each day when I go for the lettuce for the bunnies.


near Yass NSW

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Thanks for the welcome, Bettarazzi. These two will be living mostly on frozen food with some live mostly as a treat. I can only get pellets in Goulburn but will be meeting my sister early next month and she's bringing me a supply of frozen food and will also bring some live brine shrimp.


near Yass NSW

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Hi Nancy!

Geez! balancing mozzies and bunnies sounds tricky. Are your rabbits vaccinated against calici? Maybe cover their hutch with a light cotton sheet at dusk to add a bit more protection. What breed are your little fluffballs?

I can't remember which place it is, but I know there is at least one online shop that posts frozen foods. Brine shrimp eggs might also be an option, and if you have somewhere cool enough you could try breeding blackworms too! If hubby is up for the challenge, maybe a worm farm so you can have a steady supply of earthworms and whiteworms could work too! :P

Lovely to have you around :P

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G'day Callatya,

First off, thanks for the comment re the online shop that will post out frozen food. I'll find out about them and see what's on offer. My sister though seems to have well-stocked stores around her ... she has a goldfish tank and a couple of Bettas. One of them jumped out of his tank the other day, so keen was he to get at the brine shrimp she was about to feed him. She had to scoop him up and put him back, upon which he promptly went looking for the shrimp!

I've seen blackworms mentioned often but will have to google and read more on them. Handy if I can breed my own, although it depends on what they look like! Hubby has a worm farm but I have NO interest whatsoever in that!!! Shall read up on whiteworms too. I read about Bettas liking the fruit fly maggot and as we get that pest here now and again, if they turn up this year in the quinces, then some of those will be getting a short swimming lesson.

Re the bunnies, I'd better email you privately on that topic as I can cover some ground on those fellers!


near Yass NSW

Thanks for the welcome, Trace!


near Yass NSW

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I meant that if you already have mozzie wrigglers, you may as well feed them to the bettas as just tip the blighters out on the grass :giggle: .

I realise you don't want any adult mozzies around. I certainly don't! I am afraid I'll get Ross River virus or something. Yes, I know I am pretty far south for it, but you never know!

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G'day Lilli,

Red's appetite had been decreasing over the weekend then Monday morning, he didn't eat any of his pellets. I'd seen some wrigglers in a drum down in the vegie garden on Sunday evening so in the hopes that Red was sick of pellets, I got a jar and a strainer and went wriggler hunting. I caught 15 to 20 and tried Red with some real, live food. He ate up every wriggler I dropped in for him, as did Purple. I caught more wrigglers for their evening feed but have just about run out of them now. They had to go back to pellets this morning but I was able to round up some stragglers this afternoon and they dined on wrigglers tonight. All being well, I should have some frozen food for them on Thursday. I've also read up on breeding wrigglers and am going to have a go at that too.

As a bunny person, I never thought I'd be doing THAT!!!


near Yass NSW

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