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Congratulations Brett!


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How's the wind situation Brett?

I found gripe water didn't really help all that much when I tried it, so hopefully you've had better luck with it. What I did find worked was colic drops - although Liberty might not be quite old enough for them yet (could be 1 month up I think). A couple of other things that I found helped were laying bub across my lap face down and patting their back (a good way to get them to go to sleep also) and putting a blanket or something similar under their bassinet/cot mattress after feeds so that they are laying on a slight incline (with their head at the highest point) - that worked a treat and was a tip from a nurse at my local pediatric hospital

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Well it seems to be Reflux.

She will be sleeping and all of a sudden do a couple of gulps and start crying. We got a product called infants friend and that has helped settle her a bit.

We recently went to the doctors and he said it sounds very much like Reflux. He gave us a prescription for Zantac. Not sure if its working yet... read up on it and some people say it takes a little time to work... about a week or so.

She has been much more settle now and only really cries an hour a day, 10 mins here 15 mins there... not much. Most of the time its because she was hungry.

Things do seem to be a lot better now, having help from my wifes parents has helped a lot because we can pass her on lol.

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Try to keep the in-laws around until Liberty is at least 2 and preferably till she's 7. I'm talking years of course, not months. :) That's what my sister did. My mother still goes over there EVERY DAY. My nephew and niece are 8 and 5 years old. She cooks their meals, does their ironing and my dad does the school pick-ups.

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Sooooooooooooo cute .....my daughter was a reflux baby and i can relate to the agony of hearing them scream.....

Anyway enjoy your little bundle of joy coz as a mum whos youngest is now 15 all i can say is ....THE OLDER THEY GET THE CUTER THEY AINT...LOL LOL

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My youngest brother was still living in my parents home well into his thirties. Seriously un-cute!

Fighters4U.... mothers like that don't grow on trees and can't be bought online. You have to train them using evil devices and magic spells. I'm pretty sure that's what my sister did.

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