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posting photos

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hi all i read that to post photos you have to load them to the net first etc, then use the img tag to transfer themetc.... is it possible for me to transfer them from my thread in another betta forum? in the mean time, im gonna just use the link to my thread in another betta forum so you guys can see my fry....if thats not ok, im cool if you wanted it removed... thanks

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Hey Stefan, sorry for the hassle, I know it seems like the long way around!

We would enable the image upload feature, but it eats up an awful lot of bandwidth, and poses a bit of a security risk for us, so unfortunately it has to be [ img] tags. This goes for everyone, even the admins.

Photobucket or flickr are the easiest hosting sites, as they don't watermark images and they allow anybody to view your images as an album, not just members.

There is also the problem that other betta forums may not appreciate you using their bandwidth on a "competitor's" site. We aren't actually trying to compete with anyone, but in fish forum circles, its considered bad form to link to other fish forums - we do allow links to other forums - and it may also be considered bad form to link to their images, due to the fact that it may seem that we are getting some gain from their bandwidth.

Does that make more sense?

We aren't trying to make it hard, we just don't want to step on any toes :thumbs:


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Getting your own PHOTOBUCKET account is a great idea for anyone that uses forums. It is free and you are not restricted from putting pics up on forums without direct photo pasting ability such as any Ezboard forums or groups. If you read the small print on some forums they claim to own any pics you place directly onto their site. Having pics remotely linked also allows you to have control over your photographic property. You can remove the pic anytime you like even without having to log onto the forum it is on.

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Hi all. so, ive uploaded all those photos to Photobucket. now, how exactly do i link them to my posts on this forum so that the photos actually show up on the screen of the forum? what do i press, what is the proceedure of getting them from photobucket to forum post? and how many photos can i link per post? by the way, i have just over 100 nice photos of my fry through their developement to show you all.....is it ok to post them all, in 1 thread? thankyou

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I think you can only post 3 photo per post, thats what the limits are set too.

Please make sure the photos are no more then 800 X 600 pixels in size, this is because the larger photos scew the pages and people on dial up accounts have a real hard time loading pictures :(.

If you have a whole heap of photos, I would prefer it if you only show a few per thread (No more then 5) and link to your photobucket album for the rest (in you "Account settings" within photobucket, you can make some albums public and/or password protected so you can share with your friends.)

To add photos to a post - Right click the image you are wanting to post and "copy" and then paste it in the post. for example the picture below is pasted like this:

Posted Image

I hope this helps!

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Stefan, for 100 photos, it would be better to provide a link to your new photobucket album :woohoo: That way we can view through them more easily. If you tried to post 100 in a thread, it would slow most browsers down and some pictures would time out, which would mean we wouldn't be able to enjoy your photography. :thumbs: Why not pick your top 6 or so, post them up in your thread, and link us to your album for the rest :no:

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