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Active little bettas...


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Is it just me or do the bettas seem to know when winter starts going? Even though my fighters are all heated, they have been some what lazy. Then in the last couple of days they have started getting very active and all the males have built bubble nests and the females are all flaring and have breeding stripes. Anyone else noticing that? Pitty im saving my spare tank for the CT pair im getting from someone this weekend otherwise I would be having great fun in deciding what pair to breed next!!! cheers Amy

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Im a bit the same with the boys myself... I only have one HM boy, about 3 plakat boys and about 10 females!!! I think I might have to start investing in some more hot males... :D Pitty im broke! Looks like im going out at lunch time to get some hobby containers to breed my fighters in. I have plenty of heaters but no real spare tank. My wilds are getting spoilt, they have a 2foot just for 4 tiny fish! But they are happy, they continously have their true colours showing which im happy about, might look at getting another pair. :) Cheers Amy

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Yep. Mine have been breeding to (tho the :D ate his last 3 lot of eggs. :ggrrrrr: ) The females must know as mine have started to roe up, which I'm happy bout. Why is it that ppl tend to end up with more females than males? I've got the same prob. tho, with a murder (put a female in a tank with two others that have been fine with other females. Within 2 hrs she was dead on the bottom with both eyes pecked out :D ) and illness I've gotten the numbers down so they're almost even. YAY to spring and :D for summer :)

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