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2ft stocking ideas


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Hi all Anyone have any ideas for stocking my 2 footer? I want to get something in it this weekend.I was thinking some dwarf gouramis - but as far as I know you can't put males together? And the fish shop I spoke to - only stocks males. I asked about females and they said " they are imported, we don't import females"... So yah.. if anyone has any suggestions let me know! Also - If anyone has any 2 foot lights they want to sell, I need one :-)

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You could basically have any of the community type fish, just need to watch out for temprament and eventual size so you dont end up with them eating eachother eg. big angelfish and small neons etc. You can keep dwarf male goruamis together, i have before, i have found that they mainly get aggressive when there are females in the tank. Petshops dont usually keep them because being silver, they arent very attractive to customers compared to the colourful males. I have bought females from Strictly Aquariums in Yagoona a while ago, they used to only sell them in pairs, may be worth giving them a call.

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I've been disappointed with my experiences with dwarf gouramis. I've only had a couple, so it might have just been bad luck, but I've had problems with each one. Two developed tumours and died, and the third was so aggressive I had to take him back to the shop. However, I have really enjoyed the other gouramis I've got. I have a pair of gold, a pair of croaking gouramis, 3 male banded gouramis and a pair of kribs sharing a tank. No problems with aggression. You might like to try a pair of gold or pearl gouramis in your 2 footer?

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thanks for the suggestions! haven't seen the pearls or golds before - will do some ringing around..!

I've been disappointed with my experiences with dwarf gouramis.  I've only had a couple, so it might have just been bad luck, but I've had problems with each one.  Two developed tumours and died, and the third was so aggressive I had to take him back to the shop.

However, I have really enjoyed the other gouramis I've got.  I have a pair of gold, a pair of croaking gouramis, 3 male banded gouramis and a pair of kribs sharing a tank.  No problems with aggression.

You might like to try a pair of gold or pearl gouramis in your 2 footer?


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by the way, how many female bettas can go into a 2ft with other commy fish?


Depends on how many other fish you put in there :photo: You could have 10 or 12 females in there if you wanted.

I've got an overstuffed tall 2-foot community tank, which at the moment holds:

8 harlequin rasboras

7 glowlight tetras

5 madagascar rainbows

4 pacific blue-eyes

2 zebra danios

1 green female betta (Lisa's Midori)

1 lonely male wild imbellis (Umberto)

1 cranky bristlenose

It's a really fun tank, and surprisingly problem-free considering how overstocked it is. :thumbs:

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In addition Vicki they are all relatively small fish, it sounds like alot but when you take the size of the fish and quality of filteration into concideration it's not really as packed as it sounds. Only exception is the BN which is a mediumish sized fish...well...by my standards anyway.

Yeppers! Sparkling gourami's, mouse you beat me to it 

How about a planted tank, with the cories and Sparkling gourami's (about 10) and some Kuhli loaches?

OH I love khulis, they are bizare little creatures, only problem is I only ever see mine once in a blue moon :( , plus ever since I put them in the 3' tank I haven't seen them at all :( . I know they're in there....er...somewhere :) ....I hope. It's a bit bright in there for them, which is probebly why I never see them, but I'll be darned if I can fish then out again :) .

Gouramis are nice there are quite a few small varieties that will fit comfortably in a 2' tank.

Have a look around, alot of the times you'll stumble upon the right fish purely by chance. Of course, that is once you establish that it is compatable with the current inhabitants, taken any specific needs into concideration and made sure won't grow too large, but that goes without saying really :( .

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Thanks so much for all the ideas! Ok - so I've been bedridden since hmm. thursday with the beginnings of pneumoia.. really ill, so my bf did me a favour and went to one of the fish shops for me and got me some, i left it up to him to choose something nice, and he came back with two absolutely gorgeous blue dwarfs - one has some red striping through it.. they are the fairly common ones, but they are really really pretty and look great in there, no fighting! Might look at some neons as well, or fancy guppies (breeding any yet calla?!) down the track when I have more money!

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