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I've noticed that quite a few members haven't got an avatars up on display.

Its easier to identify people at a glance if they have a little personal piccie, especially with all the 'betta' related usernames :D

This isn't a big problem, you don't have to have one or anything, but I thought I'd just go through a how-to in case that was what was holding anyone back :D.

#1 In the top righthand corner, there is a link that says MY CONTROLS, click that.

#2 on the left there is a column entitled MENU Scroll down until you find the blue bar that says PERSONAL PROFILE. Under that, you will find a link entitled EDIT AVATAR SETTINGS, click that.

This is where you choose an avatar. You have 2 choices.

* Choose one from our gallery (IPB Gallery has the best ones :D, select that fron the dropdown menu)

*Link to an offsite avatar (upload one to your Photobucket or Flickr account and link directly to it by left-clicking on the image and selecting COPY IMAGE LOCATION and pasting CTRL+V into the field)

If this is all too hard, and you would like some help, or you have a picture you would like to use but cannot edit it to the correct size, I'm always happy to help :D

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I believe the option to upload avatars from computers is currently disabled. I'll have a chat with our techno wizz (Jess) and see if the reasons we disabled them are still valid, but in the meantime we can still use the gallery images and the off site linking :D

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If you want you can e-mail it to me klara.graham@gmail.com and I'll shove it on my photobucket account for you. I'll send you the link so it'll show up here. Avatars don't take up that much memory space so it's fine by me. That is, of course, unless you already have your own photobucket or other pic hosting account and would rather use that.

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Your cat was feeling a little dumpy due to its dimensions, so I adjusted it so he looks normal again and uploaded it to a photobucket account I made to host members Av's and linked it from there ;) If anyone else would like an av hosted feel free to send them to me. mouseATausaqua.net ;)

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I tried redoing the original link with no change, & had the same problem when I linked the original sized file from my photobucket. It was only when I edited the dimensions of the image that it displayed in proportion. My guess is its the auto resize feature kicking in.

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*scratches head* Hmm, oh well, so long as it's working now :D . Sue, I had a cat a bit like what you described your cornish rex to be like, he was a black domestic shorthair that could perform tricks, we practically grew up together. Exactly 10 years after he died I named a black hen after him. Yeah the black hen can perform tricks too :) .

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You should never be scared to touch a Rexie! Their hair is so soft - it's very patable. They only have around 60% of the hair that other breeds have (well, so I've been told; I hope I'm not perpetuating a myth here). I guess the kinks in their hair could lead people to believe it's rather harsh to the touch, but that's definitely not the case. I loves me Cornish Rexes, I does! Such a pity I live in Canberra, because the weather really isn't suitable for them. During winter, I used to leave a heater on overnight especially for my Rex girl. Ahem, I'll get off my C.Rex fan club soapbox now.... Sue

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LOL :D don't worry Sue, we all have a fury animal obsession. Mines samoyeds :) can't wait til I buy one, not allowed right now as we have 3 cats and a small runty Pom. (tho I might just say I found him, and tell my folks that no-one has lost a samoyed pup recently and keep him :D :D ) the thing with rexes, I thought that they were a sorta hairless cat :blush: ah well, not much of a cat person eitherwho, but I DO love my cats to death :D (except Cindy, who looks like a truk hit her face :D )

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Samoyeds are the best dogs ever Robbie! We used to have a lady come around to collect the wool we brushed out of them during their Summer shedding so she could spin it and make coats! Come to think of it.. we used to get about 2 buckets every couple of days.. bet she made a fortune off us!! :blush: Beautiful gentle disposition too.. ahh I miss my Sammys :D One day when I have the time to devote to one I'll get another.. or a pair.. they mush better in pairs :)

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They feel like plush velvet Robbie, really soft velvet. They are regarded as 'low allergy' but it depends on what you are allergic to :P if its saliva or dander, you are still in trouble. They definately have less hair than ordinary cats and shed less, none of those nasty guard hair to worry about :(( I have a whippet obsession... but with 2 cats and 4 birds... I can't see it happening :((

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