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Starting an airline syphon


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Here's an easy way to start an air-line syphon without getting a mouthful of tank water.

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Get a syringe and put it in one end of the airline tubing. I've found 10mL syringes work well with plastic or silicon tubing.

Put the other end of the tubing in the tank.

Draw the syringe back to suck water into the tubing and let gravity do the rest :P

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Thats a great idea! It beats filling up the airline with water before hand!!


Thats the way I normally do it. slight pain in the butt, but no way am I sucking on the hose! BLEH! I like the syringe idea much better though.. less hassle :P

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if the tube is long enough that you can hang down a big loop, so you'd have to actually suck the water uphill after it gets to the bottom part, it helps. I just suck it until the water is at the bottom of the loop then let gravity do the rest. But that's not to say that I don't misjudge from time to time. I mean, who doesn't "look at the pretty bett.. *$#@7^$*!"

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Clever idea, Veronia! Certainly beats whatever I'm doing at the moment, which doesn't work for all the reasons listed above. I'm gonna miss that mouthful of betta poo ... not! :D And what do you do with the mouthful of ... betta poo? Spit it out? Download it into the nearest tank?? Run to the basin??? And while you're trying to decide, the water's running out of the syphon hose onto ... the floor, in my case. Sue

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LOL.. at least everyone does it in the privacy of their own home the number of times i have had an audience while doing water changes in the office.. *sigh* it's become a 3 ring circus with a bet on whether or not i swallow some betta fertiliser (thank goodness this hasnt happened yet)

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Oh dear where have all the adventurous souls gone. What's wrong with fish poo I ask you all :) Full of vitamins and builds up the immune system. And in some cases tastes a little nutty :cheer: How could I give up that. Pat. p.s a good idea though

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:), this just indicates that Pat has tasted that nutritious water more than our fair share :D Being a lazy guy, I usually don't syphon much (if at all LMAO). The only water that I syphon is bbs water, and I make sure I have a very long airline tubing for it :D Now, who stole my airline tubing during last visit :cheer: LMAO...just kidding :D

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Oh dear where have all the adventurous souls gone. What's wrong with fish poo I ask you all  :D

Full of vitamins and builds up the immune system.

And in some cases tastes a little nutty :cheer:

How could I give up that.


p.s a good idea though



I never want to become that familiar with my fish water.. :)

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OH MY GOD! Furry? ewwwwwwwwww *imagines Nitrates* I have to admit I suck with my mouth at times, but I make sure I have a loooooong tube, so I do not get yukkies. I sucked up one of my B. enisae's once, his big fat head got stuck :whistling: and I had to blow him off the other end of the tubing, I was so traumatised... I was watching elsewhere at the time. He was fine, just a bit shaken up :no:

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I sucked up one of my B. enisae's once, his big fat head got stuck :no: and I had to blow him off the other end of the tubing


I read the first part of that and had images of a fish in the mouth! A wiggling mouthfull is most definitely worse than fish manure any day! *shudders*


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:whistling: , I've only ever twice had mouthfuls of aquarium water, when I was in a rush and wasn't paying attention. Three times if you count the time I was starting up the canister filter (but that doesn't really count because there were no fish in the water yet). When I'm not using my gravel vac which you jiggle a couple times to get the water flowing I raise the entire tube above water level with one end in the tank. I suck until the water is about halfway up the tube and drop the end of the tube in the bucket. Works for me, and I haven't tasted dirty aquarium water in a long time. The syringe idea is clever too :no: . Catching a disease from your fish is rare. You have a better chance of picking up something from a non-aquatic pet.

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