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The Tank of Death


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Well my community tank has struck again though I did have bodies this time - I lost 7 black neon tetras, 7 blue tetras, and 6 julii corys :o:(( Once again the sterbai survived the havoc :lol: Alas this time I aided and abetted :( Knowing better but a bit short on tank space atm I put newly bought fish (the blue tetras and julii) into the happily established tank. Mea culpa - no QT :thumbs: The symptoms were weird - fins shredding (swimming difficulties, followed by the worst and most sudden finrot & finishing off with a horrible 10 second death convilsion. I actually watched the last tetra die - he had looked to be recovering (#2 son had just commented how special he was to survive) :o I think it was bacterial because of the red colouring in/on fish. So back to the topic - I want to completely steralise this tank (it is the acrylic all-in-one). I was thinking of taking everything out of it and trying to steralise the lot. Would a PP soak colour the acrylic? Would netsan work as a steraliser? I am a bit loathe to use bleach because it would get into the acrylic (maybe?). After one or a couple of the above I would then sun it for a week. Any other ideas or thoughts? The water params were fine. Frustrately, Di

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I bleach acrylic regularly without a problem. The trick is to LET IT DRY completely. glass you can just rinse off, but with acrylic, you need to let the entire thing dry off. It might even fix your algae-in-the-plastic problem. In fact, i'd try leaving the bleach in there until it does, as bacteria are smaller than algae and could well be that far in. Of course, starilise EVERYTHING as that sounds like one violent infection! Siphons, nets, buckets, turkey basters, plants, rocks, EVERYTHING. If you can't bleach it, bake it, if you can't bake it, freeze it, if you can't do any of that, throw it out and buy new.

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Well, i won't suggest to throw it out and buy new ones, but as abbey said, I usually bleech it for 1 day, 2nd day put heavy PP in (also a full day), then then next 2 days dry it out outside, then I test it with a fish (there is no other way to do sacrificing, OK). Anyway, good luck Di.

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Thanks for all the good advice guys. :ools ;ike i get to spend this weekend nuking the tank and its contents. The good news is that none of my bettas were harmed :(( And all my newly collected bettas are still happily esconed in their milk bottle QT Hilton. (See I actually do know how to QT ;) ) I lost one of the sterbai today - the other is still looking good though - here's hoping he hangs on.

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