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im just curious do bettas respond to natural looking back grounds?

for eg: if i put a natural looking back ground like one with rocks and plants behind my tank will my bettas think they are in there natural habbitat and be more active and less stressed?

or does it not matter i can put a natural looking one or a plain blue one and they wouldnt care?


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yeah i think they are i just talked to kitz on msn and he thinks there tanks are too small so im going to move the glass dividers so instead of 2.8 litres each they will have 4.3 litres which hopefullly will be better for my hm's and they will stop tail biting

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Hi Divy, i find that if the background has dark colours such as blue, they see their reflection all the time in natural light. A light above the tank usually fixes it. One of mine was starting to look bored in his 5 ltr tank, so i moved him to the lounge room where there was always activity going on and hes much better. Seems to love company and visitors! :) The thing is, when i put him a 10ltr tank, he hated it.

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I've had that happen! I had one of mine who was in about 1L of water and then I tried to change him into a bigger tank and he HATED it, he sooked around like anything until I put him back in his 1L... then he was happy as! stupid fishies!

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That's really interesting how they react differently. I'm a bit low on fish and fry at the moment so I've got a few 20 ltr tanks with just a single male in them. All of them had come from a 1.5ltr beanie box and they just love the bigger tanks. They swim up and down it and follow me around as I move around the fish room. The beanie boxes are a bit on the small side for a full grown betta I find, especially a halfmoon. But I was minding Kitz's gigantic blue pk for a few days and he really didn't like the beanie box much either.

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