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Treating Ich will normally knock a lot of the parasites on the head straight away, which helps make the fish happier - luckily you don't need to worry as much as some of us with the dissolved oxygen content of your water, so I'd definitely up the temp to hasten the cycle of the ich itself... you can see the white dots, but after the white dot erupts hundreds of new parasites are in the water, going through a short life cycle till they can attach to a fish again - you need to treat long enough to erradicate all three stages of the parasite, not just till you can't see spots - having the temp up means treating for less time...

It definitely doesn't explain the white on the water surface though... personally, I'd be more concerned about that, wondering what's in the water to make that happen - ich doesn't grow to white dots without a host, and when it hatches it's a microorganism then... the white could be a contaminant that stressed the fish, allowing ich to get a hold - and any contaminant is potentially really bad...

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all the spots have completly gone now, as I said, he had the second dose yesterday so that should kill the rest in the water. All the white has gone from the water surface aswell, actually that went within a day or so =]

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