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OK, so the thread in classifieds got me thinking... guppies are easy yeah? I mean, we breed fish that regularly tear each other to bits for kicks, guppies would be a walk in the park in comparison!

I tried a few years ago, with 2 pair + F of a strain called "Midnight blue". Bought them in Brizvegas, kept them for a week with a few other fishies, perfectly fine. Between myself and my friend, by the time we got them home there was only 2 left, some bacterial thing swept through and wiped out 8 fish between here and brizzy <_<

I was not happy!

BUT, i'm getting tempted again.

I thought research would be a good starting point....

So i am now searching pretty fishies, in the hope of learning something about the guppy world :rolleyes:

Delta Guppies gallery





GATEWAY GUPPY - IFGA standards - diagrams

Those H/B blues look very tasty!

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I just love guppies, most of us have plenty of tanks you can use for seperatinf males from females and growouts. I have abut 30 - 12 day old guppy fry, but I am going no where with this washed out strain.

Lets do it! Get a heap of show guppies in :rolleyes:

This is as close to a fancy guppy I have been, a Cobra CT my LFS got in last year, the females were in QT as they had some fungus, they died <_<

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Yeah I have a guppy, she's a delta gold I think :rolleyes: . I hear female identifications can be just as challenging as in female bettas. I saw a beautiful male double sword at a LFS recently nearly bought him except it looked like there were other sick guppies in the tank. They aren't bad fish but their lifespan is even crappier then bettas. I've also noticed that alot of LFS have issues with diseases in guppies. I suppose I've been really lucky with my one, she's not a bad looking female either, there are alot of bland looking females around. By the sounds of it they're sensitive little critters, but I suppose they'd make a nice change from bettas. They looks very similar to bettas in some respects.

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I saw some pics. They are gorgeous!! As with which way I am heading, I am heading all directions!! Keep your options open and you can keep as many as you desire!! (with the exception of non fishy partners & their tolerance :))

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I had absolutely no luck with guppies -- they died within a few days of my getting them, so I gave up. Recently I decided to use a pretty round fishbowl, and bunged in a guppy and a couple of WCMM. They're healthy and happy as ;) Do guppies prefer cooler temps?

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I was/am weary of guppies, i didnt qt a pair and added the to the bottom of a barracks i had, the female had some disease and wiped out all 30 of my bettas, i havent added a non qt'd fish to the system now, other then bettas that look fine, i guess i shouldnt though.

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Phil, I do see guppies in a *festy* sort of way in LFS. Guppies are prone to nasties in the aquarium trade, I found once you have them QT'd and all fed up, you should be righto. They are the one fish besides neons that are the most disease prone I personally have seen in my fishy life. A pinch of salt also helps prevent velvet in guppies and it is great for their slime coat , I found this helps in QT and only in tanks where other fish can tolerate it :)

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not forgetting that guppies are hard/alkaline water fish and bettas prefer lower pH and less minerals. Salt for both is a must, double the dose for guppies. Some of the biggest and most spectacular guppies I have seen came from a farm Gladstone way that had them in almost pure sea water. They were a pain to convert back to fresh though! Sri Lanka do good guppies. I have a friend there who is going to help me source some interesting stuff! Cheers, J

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A lot of those kinds of fish are very salt tolerant. If you’re setting up a marine tank, a good way to cycle the new tank is to get some mollies. As they come from fresh water, any “bugs” on them will not tolerate the full salt water tank but the mollies don’t mind at all. Just transfer them over to the saltwater slowly and bob’s your uncle. Marine Mollies, and a much lower risk of introducing disease than if you used ordinary saltwater fish to start the cycle.

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I've got some black deltas (produce 100% black delta babies which is why I like these the most) and my own strain of Red Skins. I used to breed guppies myself, until it got outta hand and now I just keep them in the 2ft tank. Recently Ive seen some nice black delta moscows for sale, but they arnt pitch black as mine, so had to pass. If my betta breeding project dont work out I guess I will start breeding guppies again, but only blacks. They got massive delta tails, might be super deltas ;) Give me a few weeks and I would be able to donate some young black deltas to anyone that wants em ;) Manho ;)

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Can you believe this!! I found black deltas!! What you can get from a LFS of course :( They are in QT so will be a while before they spawn, well, erm, give birth. (the female is seperated, but still in the same water, she more then likely can still get pregnant, they don't take much :thumbs:) The females at the lfs were seperated so I am hoping they wont be contaminated with outher colours, will take a few spawns to see if they breed true nad what I am dealing with. The male is not full black, you can see a very mild green on the body where the black ends on his body (when you shine a torch on him) but he is very savvy. The female is a black as I can imagine. Will post pics when I can ;)

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