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My New Ct's


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Well this morning I went to see what was at Petacular and ended up coming home with a few extra passengers. These are my new boys:





They had some lovely fish on display. I was almost tempted to buy a few plakats except that I did't know where I could get some matching females.

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The first one is for my daughter. She thought he was just beautiful when she saw him. It's now two days later and she still doesn't have a name for him other than red fish. Kids ... Gotta love them ...

I thought the second would be a good match with a red female from my current line. Although he has a little irrid he is a lovely bright red when you see him up close. The third guy will be paired up with a couple of red cambo girls that have until now just been around swimming in the pond.

And the last little guy has the most amazing finnage. I wasn't going to get him because I am going to stick with red CT's but I just couldn't walk past him. He is beautiful.

When I was looking in the pond I found this little girl. Not sure who I will pair her with yet but I think she is worthy of breeding. She has such lovely full finnage for a girl and she swims right up into my hand at dinner time.



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Important Lesson # 16 - Never use Surface spray in a fishroom!

I decided to pair this girl up with Male # 1 as they were a good match in size. Everything went well, he blew bubbles, they spawned, neither fish got damaged but I decided to remove the female. I wanted to look after her and release her back into the pond today. Except for one little thing ...

I forgot about the surface spray that I had used this morning to kill the 10,000 ants that were looking for water. I must have had some on my hands when i put her in a seperate tank before I went to work because when i came home this afternoon I found that she had expelled her eggs and was "stuck" in mid air in her tank. Dead as a door nail.

Dear god, please let her little eggs hatch ... and live ...

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hi berrifriendly , those CT are fantastic looking specimens , and that girl, Dammn , is a real shame to have lost her . Keep tring with other girls even if they are not as good those male should throw some nice offspring . That last blue boy is a bit metalic????

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