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Bettas And Ivy Plant


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Hi & welcome peanutmoravcik, I've never used ivy with Bettas but I use lots of other emergent plants. As long as it grows without rotting it should be ok. If you submerge the leaves they'll probably rot and foul the water. I'd also be careful of putting cut stems or leaves in the water as the sap might be a problem. Good luck, Peter

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Hi peanutmoravcik and welcome :D How big is the tank/container your fish is in? If it is a small container, I'd suggest changing the water every second day, but then it depends on the tank size, and whether you have a filter in or not :fish: also, if you want a plant in with your fish, go to your Local Fish Stire (LFS) and get a javan fern, or Java Moss :)

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Hi peanutmoravcik and welcome :D

How big is the tank/container your fish is in? If it is a small container, I'd suggest changing the water every second day, but then it depends on the tank size, and whether you have a filter in or not :D

also, if you want a plant in with your fish, go to your Local Fish Stire (LFS) and get a javan fern, or Java Moss :D

:D Hi thanks for writing. I have my betta in a vase. I read thats not good to have him a vase. The last betta I had he lived in a vase too and I keep him for two years. He did fine. I read that I should change the water 3 times a month and only 1/3 I am sorry didn't know how to write that. So what do you think? How many time a month should I change the water and how much should I take out? Thank you peanutmoravcik
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The main reason why Betta people don't like teh vases is that the temperature changes too much throughout the day. and also they were advertising that betta in a vase thing, where there's a pot plant on top of the vase and they tell you you don't have to feed it or EVER change the water. So that is why alot of people are against vases. But I've had bettas in vases before, and they are ok, just keep him in a warm area of the house (not in direct sunlight), and like Celeste said, change about half the water every week :D :D

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Hi guys

Can anyone tell me how much food and how many times a day do you feed your bettas? I think I am not feeding them enough. Thank you



Hi guys

Can anyone tell me how much food and how many times a day do you feed your bettas? I think I am not feeding them enough. Thank you


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how much are you feeding them, and what are you feeding them? a bettas stomach is only as big as it's eye. and they should only be fed bout 2-3 times a day, and in small amounts, so that the water doesn't get dirty from un-eaten food

Hi thanks for writing

I feed my betta pellets about 4-6 in the morning and about 3-4 at night. Is that to much or not enough or just right. Thank you Diana

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