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What Is My Female.


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She's not a VT or a CT. She's a plakat. Standard wild-coloured, usually very feisty, usually not worth crossing into another line, due to tail shortening, red wash, and the fact that she'll be very mean to a long-finned male. It's the blue fins with the black spots on the dorsal, the red and black fringes that give it away. They can look lovely in their own right but not much good for crossing IMHO. If she were VT her tail would be a little longer and more spadish-shaped rather than just rounded.

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she looks like a wild type. if you got her from a store she is most likely a "creek fish" - one of the many hundreds of "mixed breeds" that are sold by the thousands as cheap females for the pet trade. Lucky she ended up with you. Keep a lid on the tank, these little guys can jump. Cheers. J

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I had a large one with a lovely velvety body, she used to jump out of the water to bite my fingers... then she bit her sister's eye out... I didn't dare put her near a long-finned male. This one looks very underweight and her fins aren't spread out like a happy fish, but the shape and colours still say wild-type plakat to me. It's the easiest kind of female to get in Victoria. The only kind at most shops.

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