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Snails - Best Cleaners?


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Hi Nicole - it depends what type of wastes you need cleaned and what fish & plants they're with. Pond snails, ramshorns etc are great algae eaters but breed very quickly and often damage plants. They're also prone to being eaten by some types of fish. Aplesnails aren't as good as cleaning glass but do a good job of scavanging missed food and some dead plant leaves.

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...Pond snails, ramshorns etc are great algae eaters but breed very quickly and often damage plants. They're also prone to being eaten by some types of fish.

Tell me about it.....at last count 6 ramshorns gone to ramshorn heaven :sad:

which was why I was wondering what other alternatives were available.....so maybe I will try the aplesnails.

what about mystery snails???




snails poo too - so they produce waste as well! but theyare great for eating uneaten food.

Is there anything that eats poo?? :fish: EEEEEWWW

I read a funny post somewhere about some fry eating MW and them coming out the other end undigested and still wrigglingOMG!!...and other fry eating them fromm.....well I don't think I will continue....eating lunch at work right now :fish:

What sort of tank and what do you have in it Nicole? :)

I have a small community female fighter tank which I am about to upgrade to one of those all in one 36litre kinds (Jebo?/Aqua one) which I picked up ex display. This one will be on show/display and the other one will be used to house my boy barracks so they don't get cold.

I only have fighters at the mo and I want to get some java moss and fern to make it all pretty....have had some other plants but they tend to go brownish due to not enough light I think.

Also tossing up whether to throw in a couple of Dwarf Gouramis as tank buddies with the female fighters.




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My sis needs one or 2 for her goldfish tank

just remember that apple snails are tropical, are goldfish are coldwater, so the likelyhood of the snails surviving is pretty minimal.

IMO apple snails are wicked. they clean up everything. I had two of mine breed and I got bout 15 snails out of that lot, which are still with me today, bout a yr later. AND they're soooo cool to watch :lol: :D

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If the goldfish tank is small and has multiple goldfish in it, massive water changes will be a better option than snails. Goldfish output a lot of waste. I'd go with a mystery snail or a ramshorn for the display tank. If you give them enough veggies they shouldn't eat the java moss I don't think. I did have an apple snail sit at the surface and devour all my duckweed once, so they will have a shot at living plants, but they'll probably go for the easy ones first :)

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