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Cube tank suggestions


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I've arranged to acquire a second-hand tank from one of the lfs's. It's a 2ft x 2ft x 2ft cube, which makes it a bit over 200L according to my calculations. Thing is, I'm not too sure what to do with it, but it seemed like too good a bargain to pass up :(( It's got a hole, approx. 5cm, cut near the base, which the lfs guy will patch for me if I want. I told him to patch it, but now I'm wondering whether I can make use of the hole. What would it have been for, anyway? Okies, so I've got this big tank coming, so now I'm pondering how best to use it, and more important, what to put it on? So suggestions from experienced people would be very much appreciated: - What kind of stand should I make/use/buy? - What kind of filter -- sump, cannister, HOB, powerhead? - Would it be suitable for a grow-out tank? - Should I divide it and use it for my imbellis, wild splendens and maybe the smarags I hope to get eventually? - Or should I have the big gourami tank I've always wanted? I'm open to any and all suggestions :((

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Hey Vicki, is the hole round? It was probably an outlet for a sump or something? those 2x2x2 tanks look brilliant as marine tanks, a petshop that used to be near me did it and built up rocks in the centre. Marine tanks are very easy to look after, contrary to what people believe.

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Yeah, Phil, it's a round hole. I am a stranger to sumps and such, so wasn't sure what it would be for. It probably was a marine tank -- the shop used to keep a lot of marine species, but they've done a lot of rearranging recently. I don't think I want to take the plunge into marines just yet, so what kind of filtration would you recommend?

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Congrats on the new tank Vicki, what a score :(( Have you thought about what fish you want in there? If you went big cichlids for example, it would be lots of filtration, all gushing around etc. If you wanted, say, some wild mouthbrooders (who would love that tank ;D) Maybe a HOB filter or a cannister with sponges filters & spray bar. I bet you are enjoying planning a new tank, I would be :((

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Yeah, it'll be fun, but I'm in a real dilemma now! My head's saying I should use the tank to rearrange things to make more grow-out space, but I'm having trouble resisting the impulse to lash out into keeping some bigger species. I hadn't thought of mouth-brooders, either :(( I still haven;t solved the problem of where I'm going to put the jolly thing :(( I daren't mention it to hubby. BTW, if anyone in the Brisbane-Ipswich area is interested, Better Buy Pets at Bundamba still has a few of these tanks at $80.

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Mouthbrooders would be good, and most are peaceful enough to let you use the tank for larger growout too (don't tempt them with the real bubby ones :(() I'd patch the sump hole unless you have big pans for it, as they can be a bit of a hassle. They do up the biofiltration rather dramatically though, so don't rule it out completely. :poke: Oh, and i'd plant it, a 2x2x2 would look awesome with some tall anubias or apons. And some landscaped gravel. :(( I'd probably run 2 filters on it. I think maybe an RUGF (powerheads attached to UGF set to reverse) and a HOB would be my first choice, as one filter in that tank is going to be 2' away from most of the tank. 2nd choice would be 2xHOB. It is going to take some doing so the movement isn't the envy of white water rafters everywhere, but i think 2 is going to be better tan one.

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Thanks Calla -- I like the idea of mouthbrooders + growout :) Two for the price of one! I'd figured on two filters: thanks for the tips. Planting will be a challenge (can't afford proper lighting), but I figure I can probably get away with low-light plants, and mix them up with fakes. A decent-sized driftwood root stump would be good for the centre, I think, and a substrate of small-->large pebbles. This is going to be fun!

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just off on a tangent, but I visualised a half-filled brackish tank with driftwood that comes up out above the water surface, a sand bottom, some vallisneria or java fern, halogen lights to get that rippled light effect, and a spraybar across the back, with some archerfish and maybe some rainbows or mono's schooling.

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