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Eggs Under The Driftwood...


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Whilst cleaning out my sth american tank.. who has bloody become a nursery in recent times... I lifted up the driftwood and notices someone in the tank has been hoarding food. Looked under the driftwood and there were these sago like things attached to the wood (my guess is eggs). Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the only things that can fit under there is the BNs and the only female I have is an albino. A particular peppermint has been particularly defensive of the gap and driftwood in general so I'm wondering if it's because he has eggs there? If what i suspect is true... what on earth am I going to have?? Albino crossed peppermint BNs?? They're not supposed to breed!!! I thought they were too young and too small to breed... and what, pray tell, am I supposed to do with the fry? Does mum and dad look after kiddies? Mum seems to have lost interest in the driftwood and hangs around the corner filter and the loaches now. Help!! :please::please: PS, after this experience, no one should try this experiment again (setting tank params the same as their place origin).. the fish are happier than pigs in mud!

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