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Sexing Plakats


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Hi all As most of you might know I have a couple of plakat spawns at jarring stage. I'm having an almighty w h a l e of a time trying to separate males and females..... basically because they all look exactly the same!!!! Initially I though the 'egg spot' was the most definitive method. UNTIL I jarred three with egg spots and one is now a definite male - and one of only two definite males I have at this point, out of 40-odd fish!! SO, frustrated, I thought maybe the vertical barring would help me - wrong again! I jarred three that were aggressive and showing some extreme vertical barring, and one of those is also a male! (a rather nice steel lace one at that :fish: ) Now I have decided the best way (for me) is just to jar three or four at a time, wait a week or two, and usually by that time males have developed more finnage. Unfortunately this is a very slooooooow way to do things. I never had this problem with VT or HM spawns. Does anyone know a definitive way of telling male from female plakat? Other than lifting up their skirts.... of course :P:) Cheers O

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Olivia, there should be some slight differences in the body and fin shape between male and female fry. It might help you to take some pictures of each fry you jar, and then see which become males, and compare those pictures to the ones you haven't jarred yet. But leaving them jarred for a while to let them sprout is the best bet I think.

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