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What Else Do You Breed?


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Not breeding anything at the moment, as I have 200+ 7-8 week fry from 3 spawns to move on after the new year. I have plans for summer.. keep chaning my mind >.< But I am scaling down breeding *inside the house* and limiting to a spawn here and there.

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I do the livebearers too... But mostly just raise fry from fat females I've bought from stores, rather than doing pairings myself.

Quite a few years ago I bred mollies (which isn't hard :() & had a strain of lovely marbles created over 10generations....have never seen any in the shops like them.

if I ever move into anything else it will be dwarf cichlids like kribensis

I bred them a few years back & they were great!

I have guppies that dont seem to have babies

:lol::(( guppies that don't have babies..& babies....& babies :(
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Just the two boys, nearly 10 and nearly six. I'm 41 and Anne's 36 so I reckon another two maybe? .......but Anne's a bit worried about her age and the fact we have two very healthy kids already and does not want to push our luck, (a weak bladder gets a fair run but mine is okay). I love kids though, love em as newborns, love em at five months when they cant even roll off the doona on the floor so you can have a cuppa and a smoke out the back door with no worries, and at two and three years old when your teaching them important safety stuff .......... you know, you see a young one up the street and remember them at that age and want them again. Is there a name for what I'm going through, or should I just set up some more fish?

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I wanted to try with fancy guppies, but the batch I got dropped dead :lol: Guppies don't like me. I tried with killies and i seriously must be hopeless as I know they were spawning but I couldn't find the eggs anywhere in there. I have a kuhli that is almost continually roed up and 'nesting', but that doesn't count until I see wigglers :( I have a pair of balloon platies that appear to be cross-legged :(( Considering moving them to my computer desk until I get in sync with their cycle. And then there are the BNs. A massive male albino and a massive female standard, he's always under the cave, but so far - no bubs. And the dragon pair, which should be going off some time in the next 2 weeks if I can get my act together :(

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Beside Bettas we are breeding, mollies swords guppies platys gouramis snails Thinking about trying some mouthbrooders and killifish but have to find room. My son also has a pair of blue crayfish. Funny, I get more inquiries about the livebears than the bettas.

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Urgh.... children... wacko.gif laugh.gif

I am one of those odd people that doesn't want children :no: I instead wish to share my life with lotsa animals.

I tried with killies and i seriously must be hopeless as I know they were spawning but I couldn't find the eggs anywhere in there.

I'd love to try Killies...just gota get some 1st.

I'd love to get back into Mollies, I really love nice Sailfins!

I by fluke bred a heap of yabbies in my trout tank....however most of them become trout din dins except 1 fellow that I still have over 2yrs later & is about 6inces long now

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