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Apple Snails? How Do I Breed Them?


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you usually find that they breed by themselves, in a community tank, or in any tank really. the females lay eggs whenever, on the tank side (will be above water level) so even if u see a bunch of eggs they may not be fertilised. If the eggs are fertilised, then you should see tiny lil snails dropping into the water in about 2 weeks :) HTH :)

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apple snails aren't asexual so they need a mate, but they can hold fertilised eggs for up to two months (so they may become pregnant before you buy them). it's impossible to sex them unless you see them mating or laying eggs. they need to be a decent size before they breed, and they need about 3" of air space above the water to lay the eggs. they are really picky. if your water params are off even the slightest they will not breed. however when the water is perfect they're like damn rabbits =_= expect to loose about half the eggs (some go rotten, or dry out too much, or get broken) and when they hatch the other fish in the tank will probably eat about half of those again if you are lucky. it can take from 2-4 weeks for them to hatch, i've had eggs i thought dead hatch at 6 weeks before (the eggs were too high above the water and dried out, that slowed the development of the eggs on the inside layers i think). everyone keeps saying how hard they are to breed, but i've had no problems at all with them. just keep the water clean, warm (26-28c), add some indian almond leaf, and add neutraliser blocks (snails eat them for the calcium).

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