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Added somthing new to the barracks


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:thumbs: :thumbs: Ok, i have been stumped with what to do with the 2 middle shelves on the shelving i have my barracks on, since i put both trays on the top, on 2 shelving units for easy access etc, i was left with the blank spaces. I tried individual tanks with heaters but it just wasnt working. Thismorning i had an impuse and came up with an idea, obviously it has been done before, but i never considered doing it myself. What i did was get 3 31L storage containers, add a hole to put the overflow pipe in and connect these to tubing to return water back to the filter and sump and also put in the tubing to supply the water from the sump.

I Used an unsed 1400L/H pump for it.

I am quite happy with the result, they were only being used as junk storage so am glad they are being put to use. I figure i can keep the best males in them to help prevent fins degrading and can use them as spawning tanks, with flow off, and as a growout cycled tank once they grow up abit.

Dont be disturbed by the blue water, the water conditioner i bought was for ponds and i didnt know it was blue, i have a 2.5L bottle so i am going to have blue water for the rest of the year i guess :)

Here are a few pics, i want to add some gravel and some other stuff but not sure whatelse yet.

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This is the overflow, i plan to cut the gutter guard to a circle so the fish cannot push it up and go into the filter.

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And some females happy to test it out:

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Its all cycled water and connected to the large sump and barracks and filter.

Once its finished, better pics :thumbs:

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the downside of gravel is nitrAte from sediment in the gravel. That was why I got rid of the gravel in mine, but I also ran a well-cycled canister, so nitrIte was not a problem. As long as you're willing to vacuum, a layer of gravel is a tops idea.

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Well mabey i will pass on putting it in the sump. The trays/tanks in the sysetm are min 80cm off the ground so it shouldnt be a problem to vaccum. I do have a large filter that does a great job so any extra nitrates shouldnt be a problem. Hopefully.

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Either way, alot of water is changed in the system. I plan to add 3 more of these tanks if i can fit another shelve unit between the sump and door, i may have to put a smaller sump in if not.

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