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Convict cichlids


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Hi there

On some fishy forums lately i've noticed quite a few people have convicts..

Just a question....

Years ago my brother used to breed convict cichlids.. who apparently breed like mice..

He was given some by a LFS *out the back* as apparently they were a banned fish at that time.

This was a long time ago.. :(

Are they still ~ were they ever a banned fish?

Just curious. :lol:

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They are not banned in QLD but they may be in SA. If you are interested into getting into fish it is a must that you make yourself femilar with the laws of your state. These can be obtained from your state fisheries departments. That is THE main problem within Australia. All the states have differant laws governing what fish you are allowed to keep. It makes it very difficult to police and it also makes it all but impossible for an across the board import list. Something a lot of hobbyists would like to see is a comprehensive banned list and then everything else let in.

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I think they're an unattractive fish anyways, so I'm not interested in purchasing any. Thanks for the info regarding each state potentially having different laws for different fish though, I wasn't aware of that. :( I might enquire further to see if they are still banned in S.A., just out of interest. I know Koi are banned here, although I'd love to have some one day, I'll just have to stick to goldies instead... some can get very big too! :lol: edited to say: sorry convict fans, I did sound rather rude saying they're unattractive.. :(

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Apparently South Australia has a two-tiered system for permissable ornamental fish species. Schedule 3 fish don't require a permit: Schedule 4 fish require a permit. If a species isn't on either list it may not be kept, traded or bred. The information is here:


I couldn't find convict cichlids on either list, so I guess they're still banned in SA. (They don't appear to be on the AQIS permissable import list, either).

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Thanks for that VickiPS, I hadn't gotten around to checking yet! :cheer: That's very interesting, I find it strange that they're not allowed in SA, but are fine in QLD... :) LOL someone... sorry! :giggle: Your convict girlie is very *glamourous* compared to the grey and black ones my brother bred. :)

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she's about 4th generation. Just kept breeding from the best coloured ones. Too many people throw anything together. There are lots of blue/convict crosses getting around too. Todd tried to buy a pair of true blue-eyed cichlids for me at the auction - but someone else had the same idea! Good to see others keen on improving the strains we have. Most Cichlids are not on the import list - so what we have is what we have - who's going to smuggle in a convict? A true wild convict would make your eyes pop! The markings on my strain need work. See the break in the bars? Haven't found anything better to cross them with though. Cheers, someone

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