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Divided Tanks


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We've decided that we'd like to display some of our new imported stock in our lounge room when we move into our new place (settlement next week, ahh!) and I quite like the glass tanks which are about 1', divided in half to make two "cubes". The divider is clear glass. Ideally, I'd like to have one pair displayed in each tanks, so it will be the male on one side, female on the other. My question is that I do want to breed them eventually though, so would it be a problem if they can see each other all the time? I don't want them to become "bored" with each other :) I have two male plakats in one of these double tanks right now and they seem to ignore each other most times, but I think may be because they were kept in barracks similar to this at the LFS. I guess I could use an opaque divider of some sort to cover the glass? Another option would be to put male/male female/female pairs into the tanks? Would prefer to have them in pairs though, so they make a pretty display!

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i have my males in barracks where they can see each other, but, every water change i switch their position around so they have a different male to see, or none at all (i rotate them so they get some rest). they never get bored and are always happy and actuve with nice bubble nests. maybe you could try the same thing :)

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that's a good idea if you have a divided tank for > 1 pair. Alternatively, if you are having the tank custom made, you could get 2 pieces of central dividing glass with a 0.5cm gap between them that you can insert, say, a laminated piece of cardboard etc and remove when you want the pair to see each other.

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