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Axies in here!


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So here are my babies

This is Bgirl, or Barnaby. I bought her for $4 at auction at the GCAS in late 2003.

She has only 5 gill stalks. She is a slow grower, and has some difficulty finding food unless ots dropper fight on her nose.

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This is Pluto. He was purchased as a friend for Bgirl as my partner thought she looked lonely, only Pluto decided to eat off 2.5 of her legs. He wasn't great company. Pluto was destined for a lovely home in melbourne, but there was a problem with transport, and then communication and well, I grew mighty attached to the little guy. He comes up every night and eats out of my fingers :) such a clever man!

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I know there is one other axie fan on the board, are there any more lurking out there?

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Yes and no. They produce a good deal of solid waste, but I just run them with a sponge filter or HOB. They are fairly tolerant of particulate matter, but they do badly with ammonia and especially nitrite. If you have stable biofiltration (and regular solid waste removal), they are quite happy :)

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well, I tend to like a tank at least 2 axolotl lengths long by 2 axolotl lenths wide, although I hear the "internet standard minimum" is 20USG (2') they don't really need it though, as they only use the floorspace, so just choose something with a big footprint. I use an underbed rollaway storer for Pluto, and he loves it :) Bgirl is in an AR360 and its far harder to feed her as the food gets whipped away before she can reach it. Water needs to be 22*C or below. Summer is the pits if you don't have AC as you have to keep putting ice in there. They can survive up to about 26*C but after that they start to float and bloat up and generally get very blech. The cooler the better. No gravel. I learned this one the hard way. They eat the stuff! [picture wil go here] go with sand or large decorator rocks. Bare bottom is no good either as they cannot grip the base to walk around, and they get quite stressed. No other fishies... unless they are, tiny, non-nippy and sacrificial. I have kept B with some WCMM and she did manage to eat a fair few. She also chowed down on some firetail gudgeons and ghost shrimp. Avoid anything they could choke on (larger bettas) or anything that could nip their gills, and always choose topswimmers as the bottom dwellers would get eaten lickety split. No snails. These things sleep like the dead. I've heard a few times that the snails have actually crawled onto the sleeping axie and eaten holes out of it while it was resting. ikky!

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marbled hatchets are pretty little.. wafer thin too.. so I thought they might be ok. I've got no clue on the temperature for them though. Mine are in a tropical tank @ 26C and do alright in higher temperatures. Might have to look into that.

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Heya, I'm one of the other axolotl keepers on here :) I've got four of the little buggers. They're easy to keep and pretty interactive, they come up to the surface to chomp on my fingers every time I'm near the tank, they're such beggars for food *grin* I feed mine earthworms, 2 fairly big ones every 2 days, or sometimes chunks of frozen beefheart. As to keeping other fish with them, from what I've heard it's generally not recommended. Fish just can't help but 'sample' the frilly gills. But having said that, I have heard of people keeping guppies with them and the odd plecostomus (which at one point spent two days in an axolotl's mouth before it got spat back out lol). Basically axolotls will try to eat anything that fits into their mouths and they can move pretty fast when they want to.

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I used to keep Axolotls for several years when i was younger and also when I moved to Perth I had one. I have found they prefer smaller tanks with a 2' Tank generally being enough for 1 for a while (45L or 12g Is our standard size). I kept mine with Sponge Filters and they thrived. I have actually had the luck to see a couple of breeding pairs aswell as 1cm Fry (I was close to having them breed a couple of times :D). as Abbey said Temp must stay under 22 degrees or hell sets loose. I wouldnt reccomend keeping them with anything as they will either be killed or kill :D. As per Gravel you can use it if you do a little trick :D A Panel of slate big enough for them and food so they can eat off that :D (Worked a treat many times :D). oh and Calla - Awesome Pics :D I remember back on the old tank of death forums lol :D -Sutto

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Another thread got me to thinking.. these guys are the larval stage of some sort of salamander right? which is an amphibian. But you don't need a license to keep them in their larval stage? Would you need one if they were to make the transition to adult stage? And..finally... how does that happen? I was reading it can be triggered by hormonal injections (not that you would want to do that!!) but can you do it at home & would you want to or have you?

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I've just been reading up on them again ... they are absolutely fascinating aren't they? from what I read some do spontaneously change for some reason, but its not really a good thing because they don't tend to live long after :( Has anyone had one that has changed?

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I've seen a few that have been morphed for sale at pet shops using iodine as the trigger. I think you can also force it by lowing the water level, but i'd be afraid of it becoming crispy. Have you guys had a look on www.caudata.org? Axolotls are the only non-native amphibian/reptile allowed to be kept by the general public without licencing. I think its because they aren't at all suited to survival in the wild, 1 they would cook, and 2, something would eat them :(

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You too Mouse!? axolotls.org has definately spiked my interest and I like Callatya's idea of the underbed storage container. Although I won't trust the local fish shops for sourcing axies... I'll have to look around I guess. My mum's gonna have a fit. She thinks they're yukky and funny lookin' :( ;)

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Then again I am getting my mother attached to my bettas.... and I nicknamed her three goldfish Fatty, Sterlo and The Chief and she named the loach 'Reg'. At least aquatic animals are easier to look after than cats and dogs who run around everywhere.

And Mum lives six doors up so it's not like she'll have to see an axy (when not if :() I get one, everyday :lol:

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You too Mouse!? axolotls.org has definately spiked my interest and I like Callatya's idea of the underbed storage container. Although I won't trust the local fish shops for sourcing axies... I'll have to look around I guess. My mum's gonna have a fit. She thinks they're yukky and funny lookin'  :lol:  :(


you know I have one of those storage containers spare atm.. its my emergency fry tank... but since I haven't been spawning much lately its not in use :(

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you know I have one of those storage containers spare atm.. its my emergency fry tank... but since I haven't been spawning much lately its not in use 

I'm planning to get a few for growing out my fry and other things. Trip to the Warehouse for me soon :lol:

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