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Betta Program Being Written


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Hi Thomas,

What language where you planning on writing it in?? Are you planning on it being web-based or client install.....for individual use or for mutliple users - i.e forum memebers??

I have started doing something similar for myself, to do:

  • Track individual Fish (with photos)
  • Track / log spawns
  • Determine the expected outcome of spawns given the genetics of the parents
  • Track Line Breeding
  • Track purchases of supplies and fish
  • Track sales of fish
I've already started work on my own app......it's written in VB.NET over a MS SQL relational database.



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what about something that could generate complicated punnet squares for us to print off?? if you're doing a punnet square for say 3-6 traits it can get confusing and take a lot of time :lol: but a program that lets you input the genes (ie gene name -> then two entry boxes - top and side, you split the gene into it's two parts - -> then enter and repeat as many times as you want) and generates a cross-reference table would be so much easier, quicker and less likely to have a wrong combo written in LOL

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Thanks Stefan,

I've sent off an email to see if I can get a copy. Sounds like a few of us have been having similar thoughts. I've been tinkering with a genetics db that I'm considering writing a web front end for with java.

I only speak xhtml/CCS



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What a great idea Thomas and Peter and Fiona. A genetics calculator would be really useful. These ideas have occurred to me so far in terms of the things a really advanced calculator would be able to do. I have no programming knowledge so my ideas may be "pie in the sky". (1) The Genetics predicter would need to be modifiable so that new information regarding betta genetics can be updated into the program. (2) Additionally, it would be helpful if there could be a way to cope with the more "grey" areas of our understanding of betta genetics so that incorrect predictions could be avoided. (3) There needs to be a way to cope with non-medelian (polygenetic) rules of inheritance (eg degree of caudal spread, amount of dragon scalation, shade of green in a Turquoise, the misbehaving Marble gene) (4) Also need to account for co-dominant (incomplete dominance)relationships between genes (eg giantism) (5) A way to account for some of the newer hypotheses regarding "jumping genes" like Marble and their effect on things like the presence of red and yellow on the same fish for instance. (6) A validity check on the data that is entered which could be achieved by submitting the genetics information that is entered and the completed program if needs be for review by acknowledged experts in betta genetics like Dr Gene Lucas and Dr Leo Buss. (7) If a really effective calculator tool is developed and this represents a real innovation in the Betta world then it should be endorsed by the IBC and copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I already have an application framework that I use for other projects that I plan on using for this application. The application is set up so that you can 'plug-in' new components very easily, with out having to install the application again. I plan on building the application in stages, ie, get one component done at a time....the plan is to produce an application that can manage / track tanks, fish, spawns, sales & purchases, genetics and line breeding. I'm going to need a lot of help from some of the genetic gurus on the forum to get this working....the only problem with programming is that I have to understand how the genetics work before I can design a program that will do the hard work for us. I'll also need ppl willing to test the program as it's being built, who can find bugs and offer constructive feedback (not just whinges about something not working). The best way to start is to focus on the relatively easy parts first - tanks, fish and spawns....... I need to know what type of information ppl would like to see tracked for these....I have some ideas, from what I was planning on doing for myself, but I'd like other ppl input as well... Also, if there is anyone else on the forum that can program in .NET (VS 2003), your help would be appreciated. One last thing....what would ppl be willing to pay for an application like this? I hate to sound mercenary, but this application is going to take hundreds of hours to write on my behalf (outside of my full time job), if the program was going to just for my benefit alone it wouldn't worry me (and I'd take shortcuts), but for an application that is going to be used by potential lots of ppl there is a lot more work involved to ensure that it's stable on different ppl machines, safe guard it against software piracy and I've have to be willing to support the application on-going.

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I was programming in .NET a couple of years back (C# not VB) but I was using the command line compiler not VSand I only built web apps so I would offer to help if had any applicable skills (and I wasn't so busy) but I don't think I do ^_^.

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