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New member - Halszka


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:cheer: Hello, my name is Halsza and I'm a brand new betta addict from Perth. None of this pansy stuff of only buying one betta at a time, I started with three of those cute lil fellas and a week later bought two more.

I'm in the process of building my own tank stand, to hold two 50L tanks, one for my axolotls, and one which I'll subdivide into 7 or 8 bachelor pads for the bettas :love:

Here are the first three that I bought:


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He looks a bit wonky, until I finish subdividing the new tank these guys live in 2L jars.

I haven't got photos of the two new boys yet, but one is Socrates, a black plakat :wub: and the other is Aristotle, a little pearly white veil tail.

Apart from my bettas I have four axolotls (a 'blond' wildtype male, and three females, an albino, a golden albino and a melanoid), and a 35L tropical fish tank wich has 3 guppies, 3 platies, 2 dwarf gouramis, a siamese flying fox and a cory (I know it's more than what's recommended but I've had no problems).

My room is starting to feel like one big aquarium... lol :D

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HE HAS AXIES! Do you have piccies of them around? i'd love to see :cheer: I have two (though I tried my best to only have one, but the 2nd one stuck :wub:) and they are the bestest little critters! I am hoping eventually to have a 36x18x6" tank made up, so that I can play with them more easily, though i fear it will allow my cats the same privelege! they are great looking bettas, are they fro m a pet shop? the quality of WA bettas has improved a lot, i remember it wasn't long ago that a CT was somethingto behold over there :love:

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Oh no! You caught the betta bug too? :D:) Hello Halszka and welcome to the fishy forums! I'm so excited with all of the new members rolling in (i'm new too) as it generally means more fishy pics to admire! :D Have fun and looking forward to more pics of your bettas.

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Thanks for the warm welcome :)

I bought all my boys from Aquotix on Bannister Road in Canning Vale, except for my little white veil tail Aristotle, he came from Pet Magic in Cannington. He blew me such a big bubble nest last night, I'm so proud :)

Axolotls! hehe I have four of the fellas, well, 1 fella and 3 girlies. Here's is some piccies of them:

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From left to right: Chac, Tezcatlipoca and Ixtab

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Mulac the fella with his big nads :)

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Wow! Cool tank for your Axolotls! I have 2 of those pots for my pet rats.. ;) Never thought of putting them in a fish tank... I might have to get the smaller size and try it in a tank... good idea. :P There is a pet shop in Adelaide that actually has a salamander... an axolotl that changed or soemthing? <sorry not *up* on axolotl law :P ) Like your pics, keep 'em coming! :(

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