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Get it OFF get it OFF! - algae issue


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I've never had algae, never never never! sure, the standard green spot and the odd patch of diatoms, but THIS, this is just hideous!

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What is this stuff??

Its the type that holds on for all it is worth, and i've resorted to chopping parts of my leaves off! I tried bleaching it off, it took 40 minutes for there to be any change, and even then, it just stayed put and became a ghostly white!


The tank is overstocked, and I know that this stuff feeds off imbalances in the chemistry, but I would love to know what it is and how to kill it off to a certain point before i hit the WQ thing too heavily.

I tried that already as a means of eradication and I just got very discouraged :)


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I had almost identical algae in my tank awhile back. It was when I had a super dooper bright light, then it blew up and I am down to a lesser bright tube, its all gone now. I was thinking the lights was too bright as the plants up the top were the only ones affected.

I don't have it anymore, but I also have BN's and Snails in that particular tank :)

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have you tried a lights out? 3 days of the tank wrapped in foil made a significant dent in a similar algae problem that I had. Not a pretty option though - hubby was unimpressed. "it's not a science lab, it's a house!". LOL.

Maybe an organic matter sponge could help too - but they are way pricey :)

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