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thanks! I currently have a 4 foot community tank with platys, neons, white clouds, a flying fox, some bristlenose cats, bleeding heart tetras, flame tetras, a female betta, tiger barb and some swordtails. I also have a 2 foot tank with my male CT betta, a few harlequin rasboras and a chocolate gourami. And lastly i have a 18 inch tank which is holding some 3 month old bettas I bred (nothing special, just for fun more than anything else) and I'm from Sydney, I've basically just started to keep fish again this year.

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yeh the choices are pretty much endless haha but i usually go for the hardier species for that tank. The bettas I bred were basically a trial run for something a little fancier in future, the parents were a red and blue CT male and a blue VT female. So far there are about 5 bigger ones and 5 runts from an original 20. three of the larger males are red with bits of blue and the other is a nice bright blue with bits of red, who'd have thought huh :P

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Thats one of the little males ,they arent anything fancy but they are still fun little fish

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they arent anything fancy but they are still fun little fish

It doesn't matter if your betta is one of the fancier types or not. He is still a great looking fish.

All bettas are great fish at the end of the day. We love our VT's as much as any of the others we have and personally I like the female bettas more than the males. They may not have the finnage but they have just as much colour and heaps of personality.


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oh i agree najrick, they all get a good home here or with my friends :P, faewyn thanks but I'm still unsure as to their tail type, I've been looking around and found some CT fry pics that look similar but i still dont know! when would the rays begin getting longer to identify them as a crowntail or combtail?

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