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Hi from Em!!


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Hi all, name's Emma though I will answer to Em or Toady more than 'hey you' or 'Oi' :)) I own over a dozen bettas, an Australian short finned eel and a slowly growing Oscar (who bangs his head on the lid trying to get the container of my fry's baby brine shrimp) I live up on the Mid North Coast of NSW, an hour-ish south of Coffs Harbour and closer still to the place where that Chinese boat ran a ground back in 1999. Um.. I think that'll do for now, I'm online a lot because, well I have no life :D*lol* Em

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Hi all! Unfortunately Lilli I don't have a good picture of 'Elva' yet, funny as I've had him a grand total of three years and only have blurry shots. He's only about 12 inches long and hasn't grown that much since I saved him from a drying up dam where I used to work. I'll get a photo soon as well as one of my not so great set-up *lol*) :grouphug: to all

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Hey Mouse... and it wasn't a betta that I saved from a dam, *lol* it was Elva; my short finned eel. My then co-worker, now my mother's fiance saved him when the dam at the quarry we worked at was drying up in the 2001/2002 drought.. funny because about two months later (March '02) we had floods that cut the Pacific Highway about 15 minutes down the road. He/she loves getting hand fed blocks of frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms, yep, spoilt!

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I caught a native eel in the river at Audley in the Royal National Park yeras ago. We put him in a 6' tank and fed him gambusia for 2 months and he grew to 5 times the size! Then we released him again. He was absolutely mesmerising.

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I've thought about letting little Elva go, but after 3 years he's turned into a real pet and I don't think I could part with him. He's got a three foot tank to explore and has only grown about 2 inches in those three years so I think I might have him for a while yet. Oh and I'll try to get a photo tonight. Then again I am the girl who buries pretty much every fish that passes away, and I cry when they do. :D

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