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So I left my C. wendtii in a box....

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for 2 months. A huge big clump of the stuff in a chinese container. I had intended to sell it or toss it as it just kicks up such a stink when i move it around. It melted, but it melted about 2 weeks after it was sitting in the box, and you know what, after 2 months, when i figured it was dead enough for me to toss without feeling guilty, I get the little sucker out, and lo and behold, its sprouted!? In stinky 2 month old crypty melt water! yuck, and wow! Its now resting in my 3' temperate tank until I have room to set up my new planted. I know its not greatly exciting, but I honestly thought crypts were very moody. tough when they were growing well, but if you upset them, i figured they'd die just to spite you. I found it very interesting when these ones clung to life :() What strange things have your plants survived, or not?

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my crypts seem to survive just about everything, including juvenile severums nibbling on them. But I am totally running low on java moss, I just noticed. Weird, it used to grow so well I could have chicked handfuls of it out.

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